
Roy Chubby Brown says litter louts turned his adopted hometown into a 's**t tip'

Angry comic Roy Chubby Brown says ­litter louts have turned his adopted hometown into a “s**t tip”.

The veteran funnyman reckons Grimsby is a “great” place to live. But he says it is being ruined by fly-tippers who dump rubbish in lay-bys and hedgerows.

Roy, 75, wants to see a council clean-up with the worst offenders jailed.

Roy, who shares his home with wife Helen and their two children, said: “Every time I come along the road and see the mess I want to scream. Everyone thinks it is a s**t tip. Surely the council can see this mess? First impressions count a lot with people.”

“When you meet someone and they make a good first impression you are going to like them.

Brown says Grimsby is being ruined by fly-tippers who dump rubbish in lay-bys and hedgerows (Image: Newcastle Chronicle)

“It is the same with places.

“A good first impression and you are going to come back time and again.

“But with Grimsby, it is bad enough with the name!

“But if you leave mess lying around and the lay-bys are choc-a-bloc with rubbish everyone thinks it is a s*** tip.

A street-cleaning team at North East Lincolnshire Council collected over 5,485 tonnes of rubbish last year – including bottles of urine, a burnt-out car and even a jetski.

Ron Shepherd from the council has invited Roy to join workers on a litter clean-up – as long as he does not swear.

He joked: “Roy will have to clean up his language while he is cleaning up the streets.”

Source: Celebrities -


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