YouTube star Saa Fomba has shared a video of himself jumping off a bridge, which perhaps unsurprisingly, ended in disaster.
Fomba scaled the bridge before jumping off the very top into the water below.
He told his supporters he wanted to “leave a mark” as he climbed the Pennybacker Bridge, high above the Colorado River.
The caption on Fomba’s video reads: “You might see it as jumping for views, but I see more. I wasn’t built for just normal, I’m a dream chaser, I don’t settle for less, I will leave my mark on this planet we call earth our home. chase yours and leave your mark.”
Saa Fomba shared the clip of himself jumping off a bridge
In the video, you see Fomba raise his fists in the air as he stands atop the bridge before jumping off when he sees rescuers appear below.
As he plunges into the river, he hits the water with a thunderous impact, before getting completely submerged.
A few seconds later, Fomba reappears.
TMZ reported that the rescuers noticed Fomba was hurt and called emergency medical technicians (EMTs).
Saa Fomba showed himself ready to jump off a bridge
CBS Austin reported paramedics found Fomba lying down at the side of the river, where he was reportedly clutching his head.
Fomba says he suffered a fractured skull and was taken to hospital for treatment following the incident.
In the near 17-minute long video, Fomba says: “Hopefully this video motivates you to chase after your dreams. I don’t see no fun in living a normal life.”
Saa Fomba plunged into the water with thunderous force
He later gives fans an update from hospital.
From hospital, he says: “I fractured part of my skull, bleeding a little bit. Then, I have a tube running through my chest…”
While viewers of the clip shared their relief that he was alive, some branded him an “idiot” for the “reckless” stunt.
Source: Celebrities -