Design company Sila Sveta claims the ‘Hotline Bling’ rapper owes the company $108,000 for the creation of the 3D visual elements for his 2018 Aubrey & the Three Migos Tour.
- Feb 17, 2020
AceShowbiz – Drake is facing a $108,000 lawsuit from the designers of the hi-tech stage he used during his 2018 “Aubrey & the Three Migos Tour” over claims he never paid for the set-up.
According to design company Sila Sveta, they were hired by “Hotline Bling” rapper to create 3D visual elements for the stage to play behind and with Drake while he performed during the joint trek with Migos.
However, while they claim to have gone above and beyond to make sure it was perfect for the rapper, they have insisted they’ve not been paid for their services.
According to legal documents obtained by The Blast, the company is owed $108,000, which amassed after Drake, “delayed the dates of the tour (requiring Sila Sveta staff to work of additional days)” and, “radically changed the configuration, size, and shape of the screens on which the video content was to be played four times”.
Company officials say they completed the work but after sending the invoice for the added amount of extra work done, Drake’s team refused to pay the $108,000.
They continued: “Our main task was to create a visual design for Drake’s tracks using all the sorts of 3D visuals. We worked on the project for three months, creating a huge, stage-sized scorpion, multi-coloured palm trees, an iPhone X home screen, the performer’s holographic projection, a basketball court, and photorealistic volumetric lava to share the stage with Drake.”
“The show used a lot of visual effects. Among them were lasers, CO2 effects, a flying Ferrari, and 200 flying drones that created volumetric figures above the artist.”
The company filed the papers in Los Angeles County Court, to which Drake has yet to respond.
Source: Music - aceshowbiz.com