Jesy Nelson unfollows ex Chris Hughes on Instagram to stop 'negative feelings'

Little Mix star Jesy Nelson split up from her ex boyfriend Chris Hughes earlier this year, before unfollowing the Love Island hunk on Instagram.

The 28-year-old singer reportedly ended things with Chris, 27, over the phone after their 16 month relationship.

Jesy unfollowing Chris and deleting all photographs of him on her social media page could be to help her “move on” and stop “negative feelings” coming back, says relationship expert Rebecca Lockwood.

Rebecca is an NLP Master Mindset Coach and NLP Trainer, who explained that Jesy’s actions will stop “unwanted feelings” from returning.

She said: “With social media it’s easy to stumble across your exes posts bringing back unwanted feelings so it’s always best to unfollow, especially to begin with while the split is still raw.

Jesy has unfollowers Chris on Instagram after their split in April (Image: Instagram/jesynelson)

“Going completely cold turkey by unfollowing on social and deleting pictures helps because it stops you going backwards into the images and thinking of what could have been and no longer is.”

The coach continued: “Instagram can be addictive, and the behaviours of using social media can be automatic behaviours, she probably found herself doing this without realising and had enough and just deleted it. He will get the picture that she’s ready to move on.”

Rebecca revealed that Jesy had every right to unfollow Chris if she needed to for her own mental well-being.

Jesy and Chris split up after being together for 16 years (Image: Chris Hughes/Instagram)

She explained: “Social media can be a breeding space for negative feelings and emotions. Removing anyone, especially an ex from your social feeds makes a difference to your mental and emotional health.

“The only persons feelings that should be taken into consideration when doing this are your own. It’s totally fair because she has to respect her own happiness rather than his so that she can move on.

“It’s our tendency to pretend they never existed to move on quicker when they are gone from your phone.”

Jesy may have needed to unfollow Chris to ‘move on’ and stop ‘unwanted feelings’ coming back (Image: jesynelson/Instagram)

Jesy and Chris’ romance ended back in April during the coronavirus lockdown.

Rebecca said that being isolated together during the pandemic may have been a “struggle” and living together during the crisis could have led to “trouble in paradise”.

She said: “Being forced to be with anyone for extended periods of time can be a struggle. Mainly due to being in close confinement with someone else and not having your own space can be frustrating.

“If the communication isn’t there and there are some underlying frustrations that are not being openly addressed then these can become an eruption of frustration causing an argument because people tend to take out their frustrations on the people closest to them.

“If they didn’t live together the relationship could have lasted, it really depends on what the circumstances were as it could have ended up ending sooner instead. Although having time apart usually brings up an ultimatum that makes or breaks a relationship.”

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