Katie Price revealed the shocking news yesterday that she had broken both her feet and ankles while on holiday with kids Junior and Princess and new man Carl Woods.
Doctor have said that Katie, 42, won’t be able to walk “for six months or longer”.
But despite her horror injuries, the mum-of-five still needs to bring home the bacon and today she shared a video of herself promoting a fashion brand.
Following sharing a clip of herself in a wheelchair, Katie shared a video of herself in what appeared to be an operating theatre promoting a fashion brand.
Katie Price promoted a fashion brand on Instagram today
Stood in front of medical practitioners, Katie did a piece-to-camera and said: “Hey guys
“So JYY London have a massive sale on today and if you use my code Pay Day it also includes my range so go and do it now.”
Katie’s promo piece came after she asked fans where she could find a mobility scooter.
Katie Price proved she was all business
She asked fans: “Hi guys does anybody know or can someone get in contact where I can hire a mobility scooter and a wheelchair that I can use for when I get back because I’m not going to be able to walk.
“Doctors have confirmed three to six months or it could be longer.
“So I need to get round on a mobility scooter and a wheelchair.
Katie Price asked fans about mobility scooters
“Let me know, inbox me. Thank you.”
Katie confirmed that new man Carl Woods, who she has now set up a joint Instagram page with, is nursing her back to health.
She gushed: “@carljwoods is being amazing looking after me.
“#reallove #bestgentleman #wordscantdecribemyloveforhim #heismyworld.”
Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk