Great British Bake Off judge Paul Hollywood has reportedly took a leap of faith and asked his new landlady girlfriend to move in with him during the coronavirus pandemic.
Government officials had warned that couples who were currently living separate must “make a choice” to isolate together or remain apart but must “stick” with what ever decision is reached.
For many new couples, it’s a tricky choice to make at this stage as it is not yet determind if we’ll be in this for the long haul or not.
The tricky choice has already led to friction, with some celebrity couples confessing to finding it hard to isolate apart.

Paul Hollywood has reportedly moved in his new landlady girlfriend to self-isolate
Jesy Nelson and Chris Hughes’ are believed to have felt the strain during the quarantine process, leading to the pair calling it a day on their 18 month romance.
Not wanting to be one of those statistics, Paul, 54, isn’t taking any chances and has reportedly asked his pub landlord girlfriend to take the plunge and move in.
For Melissa, it isn’t such a bad deal as she’ll now move in to the celebrity judge’s £1million swanky pad.
A source revealed to the Sun Online: “Paul and Melissa have been friends for long enough to know they’d get on no matter what.

The Great British Bake Off judge is said to be really happy with girlfriend Melissa at his home (Image: Channel 4)
The 37-year-old landlady has now been forced to close up her pub in Kent and isn’t working, under strict government guidelines.
It seems that things have got off to a great start for the new couple and they are believed to be very happy together at this time.
“Obviously, Melissa’s pub has closed, so it made sense for her to live with him. They are making the best of everything. They have enough space and are actually very happy” added the insider.

Paul is known for his role of The Great British Bake Off (Image: Love Productions / Channel 4)
It is thought that the baker sparked up a relationship with Melissa after getting to know her at The Chequers Inn at Smarden in Kent.
The pair decided to go public with their relationship towards the end of last year which seemed to cause some friction.
ywood continues to strongly deny Summer’s cheating allegations.
The Daily Star Online has contacted a representative for Paul for comment.
Source: Celebrities -