Former Gladiators presenter Ulrika Jonsson has revealed that she had coronavirus.
The mum-of-five, 52, shared that she’d had a government immunity test, which showed she’d previously had Covid-19.
Ulrika’s revelation came in a post where she opened up about feeling sad, as she tries to stay positive during these unsettling times.
She said: “Winter has arrived since we last spoke. I was blindsided by a spell of the Black Dog and sadness on Monday and it sat, stubbornly in my solar plexus like some ghastly piece of over-chewed meat that refused to budge.
“Couldn’t quite establish its source but it forced an unwelcome introspection at a confusing time such as this when we are told we can do but we can’t actually; we can go but we probably shouldn’t; we can meet but definitely not in certain circumstances.

Ulrika Jonsson has got candid about feeling sad (Image: Instagram)
“Thought the joy of ‘easing’ would feel better and greater; would offer relief and some reassurance.”
“I’m not after guarantees that don’t exist. Just a gentle pat on the back; a carrot; a little hope.”
“Sometimes hard to have perspective but I am always willing. Grateful and not self-pitying just navigating.
“Had 2 nights alcohol free. I’m not sure that’s the best idea. Rum is definitely a good blow-softener.”
She continued: “(NB. drinking is neither funny or clever. Well, on reflection it is def both when I do it but not always the day after). Btw. Had immunity test (paid for & proper Govt one) and turns out I’ve def had COVID-19.”
Ulrika recently joked that she was going to become a “virgin” again after not being able to have sex with her boyfriend during lockdown.0
Taking to her column in BEST magazine, Ulrika wrote: “Having spent the past two years of coming out of a somewhat ‘barren’ marriage with little human touch, I have then spent the past five months motoring along in a physical relationship with a new man – so you might see the confusion my brain and body is suffering.

Ulrika Jonsson joked she’d become a ‘virgin’ again (Image: Rob Greig)
“It took a lot to get my inner sexual engine started up again – only for coronavirus to take away the petrol and dump in an isolated garage on the edge of nowhere.”
She continued: “I know you might argue that missing intimacy, touch, love and affection, is way down the list of needs and musts right now – and I hear you.
“But it took a long time to re-programme my dormant brain to wake up and give and receive affection. And now I’m trying to do the reverse. And you know what they say about old dogs…
“So, instead, my new approach is looking forward to ‘dating’ again – whenever that may be. I’m trying my hardest to remember what it feels like.
“At the same time as wonder whether I’ll actually be a virgin again by the time this is all over.”
Source: Celebrities -