The first non-binary performer on television has submitted an open letter that urges SAG leaders to make the prize-giving more inclusive towards artists who do not identify as either male or female.
- Jun 11, 2020
AceShowbiz – Asia Kate Dillon, primetime U.S. TV’s first non-binary performer, has asked Screen Actors Guild Awards bosses to do away with gender-specific prizes.
The “Billions” star, was invited by committee members to join a judging panel for a string of categories ahead of next year’s prizegiving, including Female Actor in a Leading Role and Male Actor in a Leading Role, and responding to the offer on Wednesday, June 10, Dillon submitted an open letter to SAG leaders urging them to make the awards bash more inclusive towards artists who do not identify as either male or female.
The star’s plea reads in part, “Separating people based on their assigned sex, and/or their gender identity, is not only irrelevant when it comes to how an acting performance should be judged, it is also a form of discrimination.”
“Not only do your current categories erase non-binary identities by limiting performers to identifying as male or female/man or womxn (sic) (which not all SAG members, like myself, do), they also serve as an endorsement of the gender binary at large, which actively upholds other forms of discrimination, including racism, the patriarchy, and gender violence.”
“The distinction between male and female acting categories was implemented as a means of combating the chronic and systemic overlooking of cis-women (born female), particularly white cis-women, when it came to acting awards. This was despite the fact that there were no other categories similarly revised (as in directoress, best female or best male director/cinematographer/sound designer, etc.)”
The 35-year-old, who was nominated for the Critics Choice Awards in 2018, 2019 and 2020, concluded the note by stating, “I would be thrilled to serve as a judge, provided you take immediate action to combine your acting awards into gender-neutral categories. This courageous and overdue step from my union would send a wide message that SAG not only supports me but supports all its non-binary and gender non-conforming members.”
The awards chiefs have yet to respond to Dillon’s missive.
Source: Television - aceshowbiz.com