A Place In The Sun host Jasmine Harman has decided that she isn’t going to “beat herself up” over a few pounds gained in lockdown as she wrote that she has accepted everyone has different coping mechanisms during unprecedented times.
The 45-year-old TV host took to Instagram with side-by side images to highlight her weight gain.
She admitted before the Covid-19 pandemic she had gone hammer and tong with exercising and eating healthy, feeling energised after finding a routine that really worked for her.
Jasmine explained that last year she’d been in great shape and had thought – at the time – that she’d embarked on a lifestyle change “forever” – before the coronavirus had struck later sidelining her healthy regime.
Jasmine is now embracing her lockdown curves as after feeling like she was on a “downward spiral” during lockdown (Image: jasmineharman/Instagram)
Being a mum-of-two Jasmine confessed that she’d found it hard trying to home school and felt as thought she’d lost some sort of sense of “identity” while not working.
The TV star was sent on a plummeting downward spiral that lead to her emotionally “eating and drinking” to fill the void.
Jasmine admitted that she had not felt confident about her body during the process but now, is no longer wallowing about the weight gain and is instead she’s embracing her curves and encouraging others who have been on tough journey’s to do the same.
Jasmine had enjoyed a healthy lifestyle prior to lockdown (Image: Instagram)
She penned: “Pre-lockdown Vs NOW! Do you ever watch television and wish you were as perfect as the people you see on TV? It happened to me today,’ Jasmine explained.
“I watched myself on TV and wondered if I could ever be as perfect as the “me” on screen. It was a weird sensation.
“What I have come to realise over the past months (nearly a year!) since the first lockdown is that people react differently. Some are taking on new projects & challenges, working on themselves, exercising, mastering a new skill.
“And some are like me. Struggling to keep my head above water.”
She went on: “As much as I love spending time with my kids, I really miss my job.
Jasmine admitted to “emotional eating and drinking” during the lockdown period (Image: Instagram)
“I feel like my identity is dissolving, and I’ve been emotional eating and drinking. If you’d asked me a year ago whether I’d ever stop exercising or would I binge eat a whole tub of vegan ice cream I’d have thought you were crackers.
“I was so committed to the healthy new me, and had been for about 18 months. I had no desire to eat junk or overeat or drink alcohol every day and I loved my exercise classes at @davidlloydpurley so much! I remember saying ‘this is forever!’ & I really believed it!”
Jasmine continued: “I felt so great that I just knew my resolve was unshakable. But it wasn’t. No-one expected a pandemic to rock the world as it has. Everything has changed.
“It’s easy to slip into a downward spiral of depressive thoughts & lethargy when the world seems to be falling apart. Mindset is everything.’
Concluding she added: “If you aren’t working out, don’t beat yourself up about it. If your eating and drinking habits have gone awry, you aren’t alone.”
Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk