The backlash of my Good Morning Britain debate was monumental, but it’s only severe because the anti-vaxxers can’t stand people fighting for what’s right and are scared of the truth.
I couldn’t quite believe the reaction after coming off-air.
Immediately, I was bombarded with anti-vaxxers polluting my notifications with some of the most revolting bilge I’ve come across since The Apprentice.
The stuff they’re willing to type to release some anger is beyond apprehension.
I won’t go into the details as it’s currently being investigated by the Met Police.
I’d happily have a conversation with one of these conspiracy theorists who all seem to think the vaccine is some kind of poison designed to kill. Genuinely, that’s their understanding.
(Image: ryanmarkparsons/Instagram)
I think they’re ignoring the fact millions have been vaccinated across the country and that’s the main reason they’re able to guzzle beer down their throats 24/7 and why the Government has planned to exit the pandemic restrictions on June 21.
The greatest irony has come from the “#BeKind” mob who have plastered that mantra across their bios, yet have no hesitation in telling me I’m a non-human, weasel, rat, and a variety of hideous expletives that aren’t worth sharing. I have no time for imbeciles like that.
Their delusion is eye-opening and exactly why we should never listen to these absolute loonies.
(Image: ITV)
Here’s the thing, I’m impossible to offend, so their efforts are valiant, but very much pointless.
I have been challenged by certain celebrities who seem to think they’re in a position to criticise others.
Let’s start with Dan Wootton, a gossip columnist who’s now working for the Fox News-esque GB News. He cited my segment as to the reason why GMB has “sunk” to record low viewers. Very odd considering my clip has garnered over 500,000 views in a matter of days, making it one of their most-watched clips in weeks.
(Image: Ryan-Mark Parsons)
The viewers are desperate for opinionated commentators who aren’t afraid to speak their mind, despite the threats and violence posed by the irate mobsters.
In fact, I received a plethora of support from hundreds of people on Twitter, including: “He was superb on there this morning. The best I’ve heard anyone speak on GMB in months,” and: “Love listening to a bit of sense in the morning. Give him a permanent spot”.
The support continued, even Lord Sugar wrote: “Well said Ryan-Mark on GMB.”
The DMs and emails I’ve received have been incredibly gratuitous, where many people praised my performance but were too scared to say anything publicly in fear of being verbally lynched by the anti-vaxx brigade.
(Image: BBC/Boundless)
I was delighted to see Duncan Bannatyne chip in as he remarked: “Maybe he is the new Piers Morgan?”
I’m not aspiring to be like anyone, but I will always remain unapologetically forthright and honest when it comes to my views, even if that means upsetting people. We can’t achieve any kind of progression if we silence each other and decide to be violent if we disagree – these animalistic traits are shared by the anti-vaxxers who haven’t stopped harassing me since Thursday’s interview.
Of course, there were a few other “celebs” who wanted their two pennies’ worth.
Let’s start with Jake Quickenden, has-been wannabe, who attempted to critique my articulation during the debate. Pretty rich coming from an X Factor failure with the same vocal range as Wagner and Jedward.
Also, Baroness Claire Fox soporifically spouting wordy jargon about my philanthropic gesture and seemingly attempting to turn my words into something vindictive.
Plus, a stream of TV and radio commentators who think their views are irrefutably true, with egos that never match their fee appearances.
Don’t get me started on Love Island airhead Alexandra Cane, who has cast doubts on the vaccine to countless, impressionable followers who take their words as gospel.
Don’t they see the harm they’re inflicting?
As Dr Hilary explained to viewers during the debate, the longer people remain unvaccinated, the more time the virus has to spread and mutate.
Hence why Sadiq Khan and others urged the Government to provide vaccinations for younger people, to minimise the spread of the Indian variant that was particularly prevalent in parts of London.
Can you imagine if the country abided by the mentality of the anti-vaxx mob and reality stars like Alexandra Cane?
Like what you see? Then fill your boots…
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We certainly wouldn’t be days away from leaving this virus behind us and seeing a return of some normalcy.
It’s what I call selfish and apathetic.
Now that millions have been jabbed, they’re relinquishing their duty to the country by avoiding the vaccine and casting suspicions over its safety, citing fabricated anecdotes and rare cases of blood clots (which can be a symptom of the virus).
I wanted to thank everyone who has taken the vaccine, shown me support, and especially the NHS workers who have come forward, like Sarah, who tweeted: “Brilliant from an NHS worker. Best thing I’ve heard in a long time. I couldn’t agree with more of what you said.”
They’re the people I care about, and the wider population of vulnerable people that still require protection from this deadly virus that has ruined millions of lives across the world.
Source: Celebrities -