
Britney Spears' 8 bombshell moments from court as she fights conservatorship

Britney Spears broke her silence in court yesterday for the first time to call for the end of her conservatorship so she could “get her life back”.

Her dad, Jamie Spears was originally afforded a temporary conservatorship back in 2008, when the Hit Me One More Time singer was committed to a psychiatric hospital for the second time.

A judge later deemed her to be “susceptible to undue influence” and extended the order indefinitely.

Since then, the singer’s personal and business affairs have been controlled by the conservatorship agreement.

Britney addressed the court in Los Angeles by video link, and made a number of bombshell confessions, admitting to feeling “depressed” and “so angry” after years of “abuse”.

She claimed the agreement was “abusive” and wanted out without being evaluated by medical professionals by saying she had “done enough”.

She likened her life under her conservators, including her father, to “sex trafficking” and declared she was “not a slave”.

We looked at the key moments of her testimony where she delivered 8 bombshell admissions.

‘Wants her life back’

The singer addressed the court room in Los Angeles via video link
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

The singer slammed the conservatorship as “abusive” and said she wanted it to end so she could get her life back.

Addressing the court, she said: “The last time I spoke to you [the judge] … made me feel like I was dead. I am telling you again because I am not lying … so maybe you can understand the depth and the degree and the damages … I deserve changes.”

She continued: “I’ve done more than enough. I don’t owe these people anything.

“It’s embarrassing and demoralising what I have been through.

“I just want my life back. It’s been 13 years.”

‘Felt like a slave’

Britney declared that she was “not a slave” in her testimony
(Image: FOX Image Collection via Getty Images)

While speaking to the judge Britney declared that being under the control of her conservators had made her feel enslaved, saying: “Ma’am, I am not here to be anyone’s slave.”

“I’ve told the world I’m happy and OK,” the singer continued during her statement.

“I lied. I am not happy, I can’t sleep. I’m so angry, it’s insane. And I’m depressed.”

She added that the conservatorship from the beginning “makes no sense.”

“I pay people money and they control me. I worked since I was 17-years-old and this conservatorship is abusive,” she said.

Wants to ‘sue family and see father in jail’

The star said that she wanted to see her father and management in jail for their part in the “abusive” conservatorship
(Image: Corbis via Getty Images)

Britney fiercely condemned her conservatorship and called for her father and management to be put behind bars for their part in it.

She stated: “My dad and anyone involved in this conservatorship, including my management … they should be in jail.”

“My family didn’t do a God d*mn thing,” Britney added.

“Anything I had to do, [my dad] was the one who approved all of it. My whole family did nothing.”

She finished by saying: “All I would honestly like to do is sue my family [and] share my story with the world.”

Unable to have more children

Heartbreakingly Britney confessed she wanted more kids but claimed she had been prevented from doing so by her team
(Image: WireImage)

One of the more heartbreaking confessions from the 39-year-old’s testimony was that her conservatorship had reportedly prevented her from having another child by not allowing her to stop her contraception.

Britney stated that she wanted to have more kids and get married to her partner Sam Asghari.

She said: “I want to be able to get married and have a baby.

“I have an IUD inside of myself so that I don’t get pregnant, but [my team doesn’t] want me to have any more children.”

She went on: “I have an IUD in my body right now that won’t let me have a baby and my conservators won’t let me go to the doctor to take it out.”

Comparison to sex trafficking

She compared being under the control of the conservatorship as being akin to sex trafficking
(Image: Getty Images)

In one of the biggest bombshells from the hearing, Britney compared her conservatorship to sex trafficking.

She stated: “In California, the only similar thing to this is called sex trafficking, making anyone work against their will.

“And taking all their possessions away, credit card, cash, phone, passport.”

She went on to describe being “forced” to work under the arrangement, including setting off on a 2018 tour that she said she agreed to “out of fear”.

“My manager said they would sue me if I didn’t follow through with the tour,” said Britney.

“Out of fear I did that tour.”

Forced therapy

Britney alleged that her team sent her to a facility knowing that paparazzi would be able to snap her there
(Image: Getty Images)

Britney also spoke out against the amount of time she is forced to spend in therapy saying: “They have me going to therapy three times a week and to a psychiatrist.”

She also alleged that she was made to visit a psychiatric facility in Westlake California where her team knew that paparazzi would be present to take unflattering photos of her and where she has no privacy.

She said: “I truly believe this conservatorship is abusive. I don’t feel like I can live a full life.

“In the meantime, I want this therapist to come to my home, I’m not willing to go to Westlake.”

“They set me up by sending me to the most exposed places. I need your help,” she pleaded.

She added: ”I don’t feel I can live a full life. I don’t even believe in therapy. I always thought I could take it to God.”

Forced to take Lithium

She also claimed that she had been forced to take Lithium as a “punishment” which made her feel “drunk”
(Image: AFP/Getty Images)

Britney also claimed that she was forced to take Lithium as a “punishment” and was prescribed it by her therapist “out of nowhere”.

She explained: “Lithium is very very strong, it’s a completely different medication to what I was used to.

“You can go mentally impaired if you take too much or stay on it longer than five months.

“I felt drunk, I really couldn’t even [look after myself], I couldn’t even have a conversation with my mum and dad really about anything.”

Britney also told the court that six different nurses went to her home to monitor her and ensure that she took the medication for a month, while she was not allowed to leave during that time period.

Didn’t think anyone would believe her

The star said that she hadn’t said anything earlier because she felt that she would not be believed
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

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The singer concluded by heartbreakingly explaining that she did not think that she would be believed if she had come forward sooner to discuss the pain she was in.

Britney said this stemmed from a time that she had heard that her celeb pal Paris Hilton was being abused and hadn’t believed her.

She said: “I have done more than enough. I don’t owe these people anything.

“I didn’t think anyone would believe me, I didn’t believe Paris Hilton.

Britney added: ”I thought people would be like, ‘She’s lying, she’s got everything, she’s Britney Spears’. My wish and my dream is for this to end.”

The #FreeBritney movement has been mounting in recent months, as fans support the singer in her court battle.

Various documentaries looking into her legal affairs and life under the conservatorship have also been made about the star’s life over the past decade.

Source: Celebrities -


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