
Chloe Sims wows fans with her natural make-up free look after dissolving fillers

TOWIE’s Chloe Sims blew her fans and followers away after she revealed her natural complexion during an online make-up tutorial.

The reality star ditched the usual products that she is famed for and embraced her new look after recently dissolving her fillers.

Fans are loving the new confident style that the Towie matriarch has embraced and praised the ITV star for parting with the facial fillers.

In her online piece to camera Chloe chose to give viewers a tutorial in how to achieve a “real summer glow” look, reports The Mirror.

Chloe talked through the different options available for people to use and how to apply them using simple techniques.

Fans were blown away by Chloe’s natural look

Many well known stars are opting to say goodbye to fillers, with Chloe very much leading the way.

Kylie Jenner, Gemma Collins and Molly-Mae Hague are just some of the other well-known faces to take the bold move too.

Chloe told viewers: “So I decided to remove my fillers… the first photo is before, the second is without filler and the third is my more natural look…”

Chloe gave tips on how to achieve a ‘real summer glow’

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“I’m really happy that I’ve toned it all down and as you know I think it’s important, to be honest with things like this. It’s my personal choice and that makes me feel confident,” she added.

Chloe Sims has previously spoken very candidly about the cosmetic work she has done but insists she has never had plastic surgery on her face.

Chloe has admitted to having some plastic surgery in the past but not on her face

She has though confessed to having two boob jobs and two Brazilian butt lifts.

Source: Celebrities -


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