Declan Donnelly has £27.5m in the bank after another money-spinning year.
The popular presenter is a regular across several ITV shows including Saturday Night Takeaway, I’m A Celebrity and Britain’s Got Talent.
Dec, 45, who is usually seen hosting alongside pal Ant McPartlin, added £1m to his firm’s bottom-line last year.
Deecourt Limited – the name of the star’s company and his TV presenting business – made £2,255 profit-per-day.
This took the amount held by Dec in his firm to £27.5 million – £823,366 up on 2019.
(Image: Getty Images)
Financial statements reveal the TV star, who is married to talent manager Ali Astall, spent the year investing his firm’s cash reserves.
A total of £16m worth of investment purchases returned a profit of £112,017.
The dad-of-one set up the firm in 2006 and banked a comparatively modest £458,901 in the first year.
Accounts reveal it generates its income from `services provided by the director as a television presenter’.
(Image: Getty Images)
Since the start his earnings have exploded representing his rise up the telly favourites’ charts.
His Deecourt business ran parallel with Ant’s Teecourt firm until it closed last year.
Ant set his firm up at the same time and used it to bank his TV presenter fees.
It held £20.5m in 2018 – the date of its last accounts.
The pair co-run and co-own six companies including Hurley Promotions – their advertising services company.
Its accounts revealed £5,143,014 in shareholder funds.
They also own a £2.5m property in London via Mitre Holdings and hold another £3m in Mitre Television.
The duo have three non-trading companies – Mitre Productions, Mitre Rights and Ant & Dec Productions.
They set up a new business called Mitre Studios in July 2020. Its first accounts are due in December.
Source: Celebrities -