Join Sarah Mulindwa, host of E4’s The Sex Clinic, on a Facebook Live on Thursday.
Sarah, who is a trained nurse, will be talking about her role on the show which examines people’s sex-related worries and allows them to ask for tips and advice from medical experts.
Viewers will also get their chance to put their questions to Sarah about their own sexual problems in the same way people do on the show, where no sex issues are treated as a taboo.
The Sex Clinic attempts to end the taboo around STDs and sexual health.
In each episode, patients come into the clinic with various ailments and the team try and find a solution.
(Image: Sarah Mulindwa)
Sarah Mulindwa is a senior sexual health nurse who also appeared on E4’s The Sex Testers.
On The Sex Clinic she helps advise patients as well as administer tests.
She left TV and returned to the NHS frontline during the Covid-19 pandemic last year.
Describing her experience to The Mirror, her diary included: “A colleague tells me of a nurse who died recently. I start to feel like healthcare workers have been left to be slaughtered. But there’s no time to dwell on it.”
(Image: Sarah Mulindwa)
Before going back to her nursing role she explained in an Instagram post that she was nervous about going back to work at first.
She wrote: “It’s crazy to think it has been almost a decade since I was a ward nurse!
“I’ve temporarily and voluntarily returned back to where it all began and honestly, it’s like I never left!”
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The Star’s Page 3 girls have been discussing the latest Hot Topics of the week on Facebook live videos.
Last month, the Daily Star models talked about the impact trolling has on celebrities and shared some of the nasty messages they’ve received in their DMs recently.
Another topic of discussion addressed whether or not influencers should have to disclose having fillers.
Sarah’s Facebook Live starts at 1pm over on our Facebook page
Source: Celebrities -