
Harry Judd's wife 'so grateful to her body' as she prepares to welcome third child

Harry Judd’s wife shared a stunning snap of her baby bump as she got candid with her followers about pregnancy.

The 37-year-old took to Instagram last week to share how grateful she was to be welcoming a baby boy later on this month despite the difficulties of conception the musical couple have had in the past.

The expectant mother, who is due to deliver her second sun shortly, has shared her emotional story online after the couple decided to try to conceive naturally for the first time in years rather than opting to use their final fertilised embryo.

The violinist has been candid about her struggles to conceive online after she sought advice from other mums while she used the assistance of IVF to help her get pregnant with their first child Lola.

Harry Judd’s wife shared an emotional post on Instagram sharing how “grateful” she was to be pregnant
(Image: @mrs_izzyjudd/Instagram)

Alongside a beautiful topless snap of the brunette beauty and her blossoming baby bump, she shared the lengthy post online.

She penned: “We have one frozen embryo from our round of IVF waiting for us at the fertility clinic.

“I’ve always wondered who that little one might be and often thought we may never have met Lola had our other embryo been chosen that day.

“So, making the decision earlier to try naturally was one I found emotionally difficult.”

The pair opted to conceive naturally following delays
(Image: PA)

Izzy continued: “At the time as a result of the pandemic many people were facing huge disappointment and heartache with rounds of IVF cancelled or delayed.

“I really felt so lucky to have Lola & Kit and after speaking at length at the clinic we decided to try naturally with the option to return later in the year and of course understanding there was no guarantee the frozen embryo would survive the thaw or be a viable pregnancy.

“So, a few months later when I saw the positive result on our pregnancy test, I wondered how I might feel.

“I walked out of the bathroom to see Lola and Kit sat on the bedroom floor reading a story to one another.”

The pair can’t wait to meet their second son who is due to arrive any time now
(Image: Harry Judd/Instagram)

When the loving mother found out the pair were expecting their third baby, the violinist was overcome with gratitude as Harry and Izzy prepared to expand their brood once more.

She added: “I realised then that I was just so grateful. Grateful to be a mother, grateful to have the chance to grow out family, grateful to my body for everything it’s been through and grateful to be pregnant.

“Yes, I will always wonder, I will always feel sad we haven’t met but then to the little boy in my tummy, I would never have had the chance to meet you.”

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