Fans of I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! may not be able to find out if their favourite show will return for several months.
The future of one of the country’s favourite TV delights is in doubt regarding its usual setting of Australia, according to reports.
The bosses at ITV have confirmed they are determined to get the show back to where it belongs Down Under but Covid is causing all sorts of problems for the team.
It is unlikely that any sort of decisions will now be made before Autumn with the rules about travelling to Australia currently in limbo, reports the Mirror.
(Image: ITV)
The show typically goes to air in November, so if the go-ahead is given for Australia the I’m a Celeb team will be right up against it to get the programme to air.
One insider said: “Everyone is keen to get back Down Under this year but, of course, it depends on what the Australian authorities will allow.
“We won’t know for sure if we can get back to the Gold Coast until the start of autumn when things will be much clearer. Until then, it’s a waiting game.”
(Image: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)
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Last year a colder, darker and wetter version of the show was staged from Gwyrch Castle, north Wales, where it proved as popular as ever.
Winner Giovanna Fletcher was crowned Queen of the Castle ahead of fellow campmates Jordan North and Vernon Kay.
Last month ITV chief executive Carolyn McCall said: “If we can go back to Australia – and this show is meant to be in Australia – then that’s what we’ll do.”
But if restrictions caused by the pandemic are still in place, and prevent the cast and crew from travelling to the southern hemisphere, she said the show was likely to return to Wales.
(Image: ITV)
McCall added: “We have a very good plan if not, as we have already done it once.”
Ant McPartlin, 45, has told how the presenters would not mind returning to the UK version of the show – but admitted he’d prefer to get back to Aus.
Asked about returning to Gwyrch he admitted: “We’d happily go back there. We’d miss the sunshine, mind.”
The Daily Star has approached ITV for comment.
Source: Celebrities -