Katie Price has shocked family and friends as she is reportedly determined to lose the two stone she says she gained over lockdown.
Sources close to the star say she is stopping at nothing to try and shift the weight and get in shape for her wedding.
The insider said Katie is having three colonic irrigations a week, they told new!.
The process is being filmed, and Katie went to The Angel Clinic in Loughton to have the irrigation as well as therapy to try to make her stop craving sugar and carbs.
The source continues: “Katie hates how her body looks right now. She’s not comfortable being bigger and wants to lose the weight and get back to original size. “
(Image: Brett D. Cove / Splash News)
“But with Katie, she loves a quick fix and doesn’t think about the risks.”
Years ago colonic irrigation was the must-have thing that was popular in detox and health circles. However times have changed and experts fear they offer little to no benefits for the body.
Scarily, they can make holes in the colon that then leads to surgery, as well as th risk of serious infections, dehydration and heart and kidney damage.
“Even though colonics have been linked to dangerous side effects and having three a week is quite extreme, she is willing to do what it takes,” the source continues.
“Her friends and her mum Amy are worried. They don’t know why she has to put her body through so much all the time.”
Katie recently talked about her looks: “I genuinely have put on weight. I’ve put on two stone and I absolutely hate it.
“And I’m fed up of moaning about it, but then I say that whilst I’m eating a burger so I can’t help myself.”
She recently looked at her eating habits in a bid to make herself more fertile as the mum-of-five hopes for a baby with Carl Woods.
(Image: carljwoods/Instagram)
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Sources say the star has fallen off healthy eating plan after two holidays in Portugal.
“Katie was being healthy and making home cooked meals but in Portugal, she enjoyed herself and ate lots of delicious dinners and snacked by the pool.
“She fell right off the wagon and now she’s home, is finding it so hard to get back on track. Friends and family always tell her she could just lose the weight if she stuck to a healthy diet and exercise but she admits she’s lazy and would rather do a quick fix like the colonics to see results.
“She says if she can get her weight down, that will only improve her fertility chances and she doesn’t really care what method she uses to get there.”
Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk