Model, actress and all round personality Kelly Brook admitted that she ‘regrets some of the things’ she included in her autobiography 7 years ago.
Kelly, 41, released autobiography Close Up back in 2014 which at the time was a controversial tell-all page turner.
On Friday during her radio show on Heart FM with JK, Kelly admitted that her “mum wasn’t happy” with some of the books revelations.
Chatting with physicist and ex keyboardist of British band D:Ream Professor Brian Cox on her radio show, Kelly began asking the genius about black holes.
(Image: Heart)
Kelly looking slightly embarrassed asked Brian what would happen if she threw her autobiography into one.
Kelly said: ‘I don’t get it though, if I throw my autobiography into a black hole, are you saying it’s lost or it’s going to come back out?”
Unsurprising the egg head had an answer and replied: “Eventually, everyone thinks now, at the end of time almost, billions, billions, billions, billions of years in the future, the black hole evaporates away.
‘It’s called Hawking radiation after Stephen Hawking, and all the information in your autobiography would in principle, still be there.”
(Image: GC Images)
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Kelly then admitted that she did “regret some of the things” she put in it if she was “being honest.”
Professor Brian Cox explained that everything we write or say in theory could be “reconstructed,” even if we destroy every copy of it.
Kelly commented: “Because I put it out there, you can’t take it back. This is why you’ve got to be careful what you say, you can never take it back.”
While Kelly did not explicitly reveal exactly what it was in the book she regrets, she has in the past spoken out about the autobiography’s contents.
(Image: Redferns)
In 2016 Kelly admitted she had exaggerated elements of the book and had felt she has to “sensationalised” parts of her life.
She told Fabulous magazine: “I probably wasn’t that true to myself. I’m not saying it never happened, but it’s not really my upbringing to air all my dirty laundry like that.
“I think it was a bad move. I kind of regret my autobiography.”
Source: Celebrities -