Loose Women’s Coleen Nolan made no secret of how much she loves the Queen and the Royal family on the show today, as she says she worries her kids and other youngsters don’t care about the Royals.
It was revealed that students at Oxford voted to replace artwork of the Queen.
The vote was cast after students decided to get rid of the portrait because she ‘represents recent colonial history’, it’s said.
Coleen said about how much she loves the Queen and the Royal Family, and this move has upset her.
(Image: ITV)
She said: “I think what worries me is I love the Queen. I love the Royals, I love what they stand for.”
“I think they did good things for this country. Of course, that history, we can’t change that. But we can learn and move forward and never have things like that happen again.”
“However, it worries me that my children are not bothered about the Royal family. They love all the history they love Henry the Eighth, and Mary Queen of Scots and all of that, but they’re just not interested in now.”
(Image: ITV)
She sighed: “They don’t see the point of them. Because they’ve watched history where they did rule a country, they made the rules and laws. It’s really sad. I sit at home and go, but they’re fabulous!”
Ruth Langsford interjected: “But this present monarchy will be part if history. Their stories will be told and studied too.
Janet Street Porter added: “But you know, we can’t cancel the royal family entirely when they represent – I agree with you – the uncomfortable things in our past and what they represented 100 years ago.”
(Image: ITV)
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“But, they do bring a massive amount of income to this country as tourist attractions, they’re our version of Disney World, whether we like them or not.”
Talking about the students, Janet said: “I think they’re perfectly entitled to have the debate to remove the picture… But what I do find worrying about it is that it does seem part of the trend that we’ve seen in universities over the last few years.”
“It’s cancel culture, where when you don’t like something, when you don’t agree, instead of having a debate, if somebody stands for something you find a bit uncomfortable, you simply brush it away.”
She insisted: “That bothers me. Because back in the 1960s, at the end of the 60s, we marched for freedom of speech.”
Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk