The Love Island girls are feeling rejected after yesterday’s events when all the boys chose Chloe Burrows as their second favourite in the villa.
On Tuesday’s episode, Liberty Poole, 21, got a text telling the singles that they would be playing a game.
It said: “Islanders, it’s time to find out how well you really know your other half in today’s couples’ challenge #tellmesomethingIdontknow #getyourfactsstraight”.
The aim was to match their answers to their partners’ when asked about pet peeves, turn offs and other little facts about them.
The task got awkward when asked who they would couple up with if not their partner and all the boys wrote Chloe’s name on their heart-shaped boards.
(Image: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)
Chloe was as shocked as the rest of the girls.
In the Beach Hut, the 25 year old said: “A little bit awkward, a little bit awkward…”
Faye Winter, 26, clearly feeling mugged off, later said: “Cool, whatever. Do what you need to do…”
Chloe’s family recently posted on her Instagram asking fans to “be kind” after she received death threats following Shannon Singh’s shock exit.
Her family have been shocked by the public’s response after Chloe chose to couple up with Aaron Francis resulting in Shannon getting dumped from the villa.
(Image: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)
Chloe’s family saw disturbing messages asking Chloe to “die”, as well as viewers who said they wanted to “kill themselves”.
Since starting in June 2015, three previous Love Island contestants have committed suicide, partly due to online trolling and the toll it had taken on their mental health.
On Instagram, Chloe’s family have asked viewers to stop leaving negative comments after the deaths of Milke Thalassitis, Sophie Gradon and Caroline Flack.
They wrote: “Morning everyone, Chloe’s friends & family here. We hate to introduce ourselves under such vile circumstances but we’ve had enough after just 3 episodes.
“We all have thick skin but the amount of trolling Chloe has been receiving is absolutely disgusting.”
(Image: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)
“This morning we woke up to yet another DM (see next story) encouraging Chloe to kill herself – there have been HUNDREDS.
“Have the deaths of Sophie, Mike and Caroline taught us nothing?
“Not only that, but people are flooding her inbox threatening to kill themselves. People … this is a GAME show, there is a cash prize!,” they added.
Chloe’s family continued: “We understand the frustration surrounding @shannonsinghh’s eviction we feel it too!”
(Image: ITV/REX/Shutterstock)
“She didn’t deserve to leave so early but Chloe does not deserve to DIE because Shannon had to leave the villa! She will have had no idea of the repercussions of her decisions prior to making it. “
They made it known that they are aware their statement will not end online trolls but they hope it will expose the life-changing effects of their hurtful comments.
To round up they said: “We are not naïve. We know that this post won’t put an end to trolling. All the advice we get it to ‘ignore it’ and ‘block the trolls’ sometimes it’s not that easy.
“Our hope is that this just reminds some of you #BeKind x.”
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