Noel Clarke is facing new allegations of sexual harassment on the set of Doctor Who from his co-stars and other show workers.
One woman said Clarke – who played Mickey Smith – targeted her in his trailer.
He is alleged to have said he “liked girls with long hair, as it gave him something to hold on to when doing them from behind”.
An actress, who remained anonymous, claims Clarke repeatedly “made advances” and “asked me if I wanted a piece of his dark chocolate”.
Another woman claimed Clarke grabbed her leg while she drove him to and from the set and “constantly” chatted about sex.
He is also accused of sexually harassing a show runner and her female co-worker in a bar at a Cardiff hotel after a work event.
Clarke, 45, strongly denied each of the new accusations through a lawyer, who said it “beggars belief” that the BBC would have let him behave inappropriately.
Twenty women last week came forward claiming that he is a serial abuser.
Clarke denies any wrongdoing and there is no suggestion he harassed Billie Piper, who played Rose Tyler.
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)
Another Doctor Who actor, John Barrowman, was also accused of repeatedly exposing himself to co-workers.
Barrowman, who starred as Capt Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood, admitted “tomfoolery”, but said it was never intended or interpreted as sexual in nature.
A BBC spokesperson said the corporation was “shocked” to hear of the new claims and pledged to “investigate any specific allegations made by individuals to the BBC”.
Source: Celebrities -