
Piers Morgan slams 'vermin' Brits who trolled Captain Tom after Covid diagnosis

Piers Morgan rarely holds back but when something particularly grabs his interest there’s no way he’s staying quiet.

The Good Morning Britain presenter let rip today while presenting alongside his co-star Susanna Reid as the pair gave trolls who have attacked Captain Sir Tom Moore hell.

Captain Tom, the 100-year-old former British Army officer, is currently in hospital after needing help with his breathing after he was diagnosed with coronavirus.

The inspiring NHS fundraiser, who raised nearly £33million for charity by walking 100 lengths of his garden, was admitted to hospital on Sunday after battling pneumonia for some time.

He was tragically then diagnosed with coronavirus as he stays in Bedford Hospital, with the hospital confirming that his “family are with him”.

Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid did not hold back while giving trolls a talking to today

The hospital’s statement read: “Bedford Hospital continues to care for Captain Sir Tom Moore.

“At this time members of Captain Tom’s family are with him.”

The hospital asked for “space and privacy” for the family so they “can focus on their father, grandfather and father-in-law”.

Following the statement, hundreds of trolls have taken to social media to share horrific messages going as far as to wish the war hero “dead” as they slammed Captain Tom for having his family with him amid strict visiting rules in hospitals.

Captain Sir Tom Moore is currently in hospital with his family by his side (Image: Getty Images)

Speaking on GMB this morning, while paying their respects to Tom, Susanna and Piers took a minute to address the haters.

Piers raged: “And for these disgusting vermin to be abusing and mocking him and his family on Twitter at such a moment when there are clearly very serious concerns for his life.

“I find utterly contemptible. As contemptible as the racism spewed at Marcus Rashford.”

Captain Moore raised over £33million for the NHS (Image: REUTERS)

Speaking to Great Britain, Piers continued: “What have we become? Seriously, in this country? When that is the gut reaction of so many people on social media.

“They’re just sitting at home thinking, ‘I know what I’ll do. I’ll abuse Captain Tom and his family and Marcus Rashford…”

Susanna added to the trolls: “They have done more for this country than you have.”

Piers continued: “Why don’t you get off your racist, bigoted, nasty backside and do something yourself for your country.

“Do something like Marcus Rashford did. Get one and a half million meals for the countries poorest kids. Do what Captain Tom did. Go and raise over 30 million for charity.

“I bet none of you have even raised 39 quid. Or 39 pence for charity, have you?

“You selfish little…” Piers stopped himself before spilling, “I won’t say the word. But you know what you are.”

Source: Celebrities -


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