TV star Kerry Katona revealed she fled in terror from the I’m A Celebrity castle after a ghost warned her to “Leave now.”
The show’s 2004 champ had agreed to join internet spook hunters Lee and Linzi Steer to explore Gwrych Castle – where the most recent series of I’m A Celeb was filmed. The famous welsh castle has been rumoured to be haunted.
The ex-Atomic Kitten singer took along daughter Lilly-Sue, 18, thinking the probe for the ghostbusters’ Facebook page would be a hoot.
But Kerry, 40, ended up so scared she ran out and locked herself in the car.
(Image: kerrykatona/Instagram)
She legged it after an electronic voice phenomenon – which supposedly transmits spirits’ energy into language – ordered her to get out of the Welsh castle.
In a video clip, a male voice is heard telling her to ‘go away’ with a nervous Kerry responding “I really want to go now.” Then the voice booms “leave now”.
Linzi, 52, said moments after they stopped filming the creepy scene, Kerry fled leaving her teen daughter to finish the ghost hunt. This was one of the darkest energies we’ve ever encountered,” Linzi said.
She continued: “It was absolutely fantastic. As it was going darker, I must admit, Kerry was getting a bit scared. She was genuinely scared.
(Image: Tristan Potter / SWNS)
“We got a spirit box which it is believed spirits can talk and communicate through. We put it on and the first words that came through were leave now’. ‘Kerry just said,right, I’m going’.”
“She ran straight to the car and locked herself in .She was scared. She kept holding me and you can feel her holding on to me.
She linked my arm and she was clinging to me. I felt sorry for her. We were the first people ever to go there to investigate it live.
“There’s more to offer from that place. Cockroaches are the least of the celebrity’s worries if they’re staying there.”
(Image: kerrykatona7/Instagram)
The couple, from Rotherham, South Yorks, conduct paranormal investigations all over the world for 1.8 millions followers of their Project Reveal – Ghosts Of Britain webpage.
Linzi said they could not resist the chance to explore the castle which had I’m Celeb contestants inhabit the venue last year due to pandemic restrictions.
They invited the show’s former winner as their guest but Linzi said their problem began until they reached the crypts were more interesting stuff happened in the night’.
She explained: “There are pentagrams drawn on the floor and some upside-down crosses – a sign of devil worship.
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“We did an EVP and I said ‘who’s here’. I said ‘what sort of rituals happened here’.
“And as clear as anything a man’s voice said to me, ‘get back to the house’.
“Kerry proper freaked out. She had to leave.”
A castle spokesman declined to comment on what took place.
Source: Celebrities -