
Coronation Street teases Adam affair 'proof', Lydia police twist and devastating exit

Coronation Street viewers will see Chesney Brown (Sam Aston) make a huge decision next week in relation to his young son Joseph (William Flanagan).

Linda Hancock (Jacqueline Leonard) calls at No.5 to collect her grandson Joseph for school.

Chesney admits to Gemma Winter (Dolly-Rose Campbell) it’s time he accepted that Linda can give Joseph a far better life in Portugal.

The father of five bites the bullet and tells Joseph that he’s prepared to let him move to Portugal with Granny Linda. Joseph’s inwardly gutted.

Chesney meets up with Linda in the Rovers and tells her that she can give him the life he deserves.

Coronation Street fans can expect emotional scenes next week as Chesney Brown makes a huge decision

Linda calls at No.5 and explains that owing to an emergency, she’s flying back to Portugal tonight.

When Joseph asserts that he’ll go too, Chesney and Gemma reel in shock.

Chesney’s adamant that he’s only got Joseph’s best interests at heart.

Outside No.5, an emotional Chesney, Gemma, Bernie, Fiz, Hope and Ruby wave Joseph and Linda off in their taxi.

Fiz calls at No.5 and urges Hope to tell Chesney what Joseph said.

Adam Barlow calls in the factory and does his best to convince partner Sarah that Lydia’s an evil fantasist

When Hope reveals that Joseph didn’t want to go to Portugal but felt they couldn’t afford to keep him, Chesney realises he’s made the worst decision of his life.

A panicky Chesney and Gemma set off for the airport in pursuit of Joseph, but will they reach him in time?

In the factory, Sarah Barlow (Tina O’Brien) confirms that Lydia Chambers (Rebecca Ryan) won’t be returning to work.

Adam Barlow (Sam Robertson) assures Carla Connor (Alison King) and Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard) that he hasn’t slept with Lydia since his uni days and Carla and Daniel don’t believe a word.

Lydia Chambers reports Adam to the police as she revamps up her hate campaign against him

The solicitor calls in the factory and does his best to convince Sarah that Lydia’s an evil fantasist, but Sarah’s disbelieving.

At the flat, Sarah demands dates and times from Lydia of when she supposedly had sex with Adam.

When Sarah suggests it’s all lies, Lydia shows Sarah threatening texts, making out they’re from Adam.

Sarah points out they’re from a different number but when Lydia suggests she calls the number, Sarah’s shocked to find a phone ringing in Adam’s drawer.

Adam arrives to find Sarah dumping his stuff outside.

The desperate man calls at Lydia’s house asking to talk.

Spotting a couple of passers-by, Lydia plays the victim and shouts at Adam to leave her alone, making out she’s scared.

Lydia eventually opens the door but as Adam steps inside, he’s horrified to see she’s trashed her house in another elaborate bid to set him up.

As he pulls out his phone to call the police, Lydia tells him it’s too late as they’re already here.

Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday on ITV

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