Coronation Street residents reel in the aftermath of a car crash next week.
Baby Alfie’s future seems increasingly uncertain following the tragic death of Imran Habeeb.
Suspicions mount about the circumstances surrounding the crash later in the week as police investigate the circumstances involving the fatal accident.
Elsewhere in Weatherfield, Summer Spellman informs Asha Alahan that the exam board is still looking into her appeal and it’s up to her whether or not she chooses to sit her final exam.
Summer heads for lunch with Aaron to take her mind off things but she’s touched when Aadi Alan calls with a set of homemade revision cards.
(Image: ITV)
However when Mary Taylor lets slip that Todd Grimshaw’s planning a surprise party to celebrate the end of her exams, how will Summer react?
In the exam room, Summer unzips her blood sugar testing kit to reveal Aadi’s revision cards hidden inside.
When the invigilator heads over, Summer panics and makes out she needs to test her sugar levels.
Outside she opens the bag and realises with horror that the cards are missing.
In the exam room, the invigilator finds the revision notes on the floor and recognising the handwriting as Aadi’s, bundles him out of the room.
With the exam over, Summer heads off, only to hear Mrs Crawshaw tearing a strip off Aadi for cheating.
Both Summer and Aadi are called to attend meetings at school.
Convinced Aadi is covering for Summer, Dev Alan reveals that Summer’s got a new boyfriend so there’s no reason for him to protect her, Aadi’s cut to the quick.
Having questioned Aadi, Mrs Crawshaw summons Summer into her office.
Struggling to live with the lie, will Summer admit it was she who intended to cheat?
Also, Frank calls at No.11 and Eileen Grimshaw mistakes him for an ex-prisoner selling door to door.
A baffled Sean Tully later reveals that newcomer Frank’s his new boyfriend, leaving a red-faced Eileen’s mortified.
In the Rovers Sean introduces Frank to George Shuttleworth but he becomes flustered recognising Frank from school.
At Eileen’s request, Frank apologises to George for any upset he caused in the past and insists that he and Eileen join him and Sean for dinner to bury the hatchet.
Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV
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