
Corrie's Daisy star teases huge Daniel blackmail threat as his ex Nicky returns

Coronation Street’s Daisy Midgeley isn’t afraid to use underhanded tactics to get what she wants – and that includes keeping her claws in boyfriend Daniel Osbourne (Rob Mallard).

The pair recently rekindled their romance, with Daniel confessing to shoving Max Turner down the stairs and breaking his arm after the teen vandalised Daniel’s flat.

But now Daisy actress Charlotte Jordan has hinted that she might not be able to keep the confession a secret after all, and could out Daniel to the authorities if things don’t go her way.

And with Daniel’s ex Nicky Wheatley (Kimberly Hart Simpson) set to make her epic return to the cobbles, that could be sooner rather than later.

Opening up about Daisy’s future on the cobbles, Charlotte told Daily Star and other press: “I think because she does have a somewhat spiteful nature when pushed to it, I imagine if things went really, catastrophically wrong and she was really hurt… I wouldn’t put it past her.

Daniel’s actions could come back to haunt him
(Image: ITV)

“[Daisy using Daniel’s assault on Max as ammunition] wouldn’t surprise me, if that came about a lot later down the line. I don’t see it happening any time soon, because at the minute she is mad about him – but if she ever got really heartbroken by him? Who knows? Watch out!”

She added: “I think Daisy has a ruthless streak. Because she and Daniel have been so on and off, for them to just having got back on an even keel, I think she’s going to do her best to protect that.

“Daisy being Daisy, she won’t go about it in the right way – but it does come from a place of fear, and wanting to be with him and wanting to protect what they have.”

Charlotte describes Daisy as ‘ruthless’

And how will Daisy react to Nicky’s arrival back on the street?

Charlotte explained: “I think instantly her little antennas go up. It’s a beautiful lady asking about Daniel, who she’s only just got back on a stable footing with – so, Daisy being Daisy, sort of sees her as a threat and tries to get rid of her.

“Daisy is a very impulsive character, very reactive, so she’ll hear something from someone beautiful like Nicky and impulsively go, ‘No, bye – you can’t have him!’ and say something to get rid of her.”

Daniel didn’t hesitate to shove the teen down the stairs
(Image: ITV)

Could things escalate into a full-blown fight as the pair lock horns? The actress certainly seems to think so.

She said: “Definitely, that’s what Corrie’s known for really, its strong women showdowns. So hopefully we can scrap these restrictions and just get it done old school style, that would be lovely!

“But Nicky certainly isn’t going to be a character who just rolls over and takes it. I imagine she would call Daisy out on it. She’s not going to just wither away!” she vowed.

Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7:30pm on ITV.

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