EastEnders viewers have spotted a major flaw in evil Janine’s Butcher’s latest scheme.
The disgruntled girlfriend of pub landlord Mick Carter was up to her old tricks after she convinced Jada to turn on Mick’s ex-wife Linda Carter.
Janine offered money to Jada to called social services on Linda and accuse her of drinking again.
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But when Jada had a change of heart and accused Janine of being “jealous” of Linda, she refused to go ahead with the plan.
Janine however was ready to fire back at Jada,, playing a recording of her agreeing to do the deed on tape.
(Image: BBC)
Janine can be heard asking her to call social services and Jada agrees to do it.
She tells her she will release this to Linda and she will loose her job if she doesn’t go ahead with the plan.
But fans were left baffled as many wondered why Janine would also implement herself in the process, allowing Linda to learn that she implemented the whole thing from the beginning.
(Image: BBC)
“That’s just so stupid, Janine would never play that recording because she would have just as much to lose aswell # EastEnders,” said one viewer. To which another replied: “Yes that’s what I thought! Makes no sense!”
Another added: “Why would Janine want to release evidence of herself in that recording? Am I missing something?”
Linda, meanwhile, was seen heading to court for the hearing with Mick firmly by her side.
(Image: BBC)
She was later seen in shock when the judge refrained from handing out a prison sentence in favour of a driving ban and community service.
After arriving back at the pub to celebrate her court victory, Janine was seething as Mick and Linda shared the happy news. Zack Hudson soon spoiled the welcome home party by announcing social services were over at Sharon and Linda’s flat.
Linda rushed over to discover the social worker with the planted bottle of alcohol. Even though Linda insisted the alcohol wasn’t hers, the social worker took Annie into her care for a medical assessment once she saw the bruise.
Jada was horrified over what she’d done to Linda, yet Janine was thrilled to see her latest vile plot against her love rival had worked.
“That is the Janine I know and love to hate Great episode #EastEnders,” said one fan
While another added: “How inaccurate was that?? Social services rocking up within two minutes of the call, taking a baby to hospital without the parents?? And all on a bank holiday?? Finding those bottles because they searched the house?? #Eastenders.”
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Watch the EastEnders flashback episode will air September 5th on BBC.
Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk