Emmerdale’s resident serial killer Meena Jutla might understandably be getting a pair of itchy feet after finding out not one but two of the village’s residents are onto her.
It was revealed that her sister Manpreet remembered Meena’s admission before the Woolpack exploded, with Meena going on to hold her sister hostage and tied to her bed – desperate to escape.
Vinny, meanwhile, was determined to get Liv out of prison by finding the footage of Meena attempting to drown Victoria on the survival week challenge.
But could she go a step further and take her next two victims at once?
It looks likely, as Meena uses Vinny’s phone to send a reassuring message to his mum Mandy to keep her off the scent.
Meanwhile, his fellow victim Manpreet informs him of Meena’s previous victims, leaving Vinny terrified. He manages to reassure Manpreet that they’re both going to be fine.
(Image: ITV)
He has a spark of genius as he remembers leaving his house keys in his pocket, and kicks them over to Manpreet just before her sister arrives. Meena forces another dose of drugs on her sister, leaving Vinny frightened for his own life.
Vinny fears the end is near when Meena wheels in an IV set-up.
Meanwhile, over at the doctor’s surgery, Liam is perplexed to discover that Meena’s medical records make no mention of a pregnancy or a miscarriage – could he be onto her too?
The next day, Manpreet continues to fight the drugs in her system and finally manages to reach Vinny’s keys. Vinny, however, loses consciousness before she manages to snap the cable ties securing her hands.
(Image: ITV)
When Meena finally returns to the barn where she’s keeping her prisoners, a freed Manpreet attacks her, wounding her sister’s wrist with a sharp piece of wood.
But an enraged Meena eventually regains the upper hand and subdues her sister before restraining her once more – with the keys now firmly out of reach.
Vinny is even more terrified to learn that their one hope of escape has been snatched from them.
Later, when Meena shows up for work, Liam’s concerns about her grow when he spots blood seeping through a bandage on her wrist. The doctor reveals that he’s found out about the fake pregnancy, leaving Meena disconcerted.
(Image: ITV)
Always keen to get the upper hand, Meena threatens to accuse Liam of sexually harassing her at the surgery Christmas party if he carries on digging into her affairs.
Clearly manic when she returns to the barn, Meena informs a frightened Manpreet and Vinny that Liam’s interference means she’s had to speed up her plan – and this will be their last day alive.
Back at home, Mandy’s anxiety rises when she discovers Vinny failed to show up for a scheduled visit with Liv.
But could this be confirmation of Meena’s next victims, as she drives the Dingle van into the barn and closes the doors?
Manpreet and Vinny are terrified, certain there will be no escape from the toxic exhaust fumes belching from the engine.
Emmerdale airs weeknights from 7pm on ITV
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Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk