
Emmerdale's Jack Downham says there is 'no way back' for Noah as obsession heightens

Emmerdale actor Jack Downham has revealed that there is “no way back” for his character Noah Dingle as his obsession with Chloe Harris begins to spiral out of control.

Speaking exclusively to Daily Star and other publications, the young star shared that things will eventually go from bad to worst for the troubled teen.

When asked whether his character Noah can still turn his life around, Jack seemed to think the possibility was rather slim.

He said: “Right now, I don’t think there’s anywhere back unless he gets serious help and has a serious few conversations with people about mindset and the way you just think about women and how you act around women.”

Actor Jack thinks there is ‘no way back’ for the young teen
(Image: ITV)

Despite this, Jack also explained that he is not surprised with the way in which his character has turned out.

He added: “With his past around girls and how he’s not really acted in the right ways around girls in the past and with his mum, Charity, and her very interesting relationships throughout him growing up, I think it’s all had a really negative effect on his view on women and how he should act around women.

“I think he’s really got it all wrong. “

Chloe is left mortified with her discovery
(Image: ITV)

Noah’s obsessive behaviour will soon be bought to light when his mother Charity Dingle walks in to find her son trying to hold Chloe against her will.

But what will Charity do once she finds out what Noah has been up getting up to?

Over the last few weeks, Noah has shown worrying behaviour that Chloe is completely unaware of.

But soon she will realise that Noah has been watching her every move while she’s in the village and in her private space.

Noah has been tracking Chloe’s every move
(Image: ITV)

After spending the day at Noah’s home, Chloe goes through his laptop while he’s outside retrieving snacks from the shops.

But when Chloe finally discovers that Noah has been secretly stalking her, she suddenly turns cold and anxious once he returns.

Although Noah will try his best to explain his reasoning behind his creepy behaviour Chloe will be withdrawn and taken aback by his actions.

Viewers will have to wait and see if Noah is able to dig himself out of the hole he’s buried in.

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Source: Celebrities -


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