Good Morning Britain’s weather star Laura Tobin has been dubbed a ‘Kate Middleton lookalike’ by her ITV co-stars.
Laura might be known for delivering the news to viewers on weekday mornings, but it seems her ITV colleagues like Susanna Reid reckons she could land a job on Netflix’s hit royal drama, The Crown.
Main host Susanna began by breaking the news online streaming service Netflix were on the lookout for a young actor to play the Duchess of Cambridge in the hit series.
A casting call has been published stating The Crown is seeking “an exceptional young actor to play Kate Middleton”.
The advert goes on to say: “This is a good role in this award-winning drama and we are looking for a strong physical resemblance.”
(Image: ITV)
Susanna suggested GMB may have their own Duchess of Cambridge lookalike in the studio, hinting their very own Laura should be linked with the role.
Flattered by the comparison, Laura informed Netflix she “was available”.
She then went onto say she already had a daughter called Charlotte so all she needed now was a husband called William.
But when Susanna said her current partner possibly wouldn’t be happy with that, Laura replied: “He won’t mind, he’ll let me go with anyone.”
(Image: ITV)
After realising what her response may suggest, the presenter quickly tried to backtrack on her comments.
She clarified: “I meant he may happily palm me off to anyone. I can be a slightly annoying wife. I think he would be happy to trade me in.”
GMB viewers were quick to tweet their thoughts about the moment.
One shared their sympathy when she said: “Awwww poor Laura. I suppose he has a lot to put up with.”
(Image: ITV)
A second said: “You annoying Laura…..Never!”.
A third was more concerned about Laura’s weather report as they tweeted: “I wouldn’t say the lack off rain is annoying at all.”
The Crown has been running for four seasons and is set to return for an additional two series.
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Source: Celebrities -