
Golden Globe winning actress Monica Vitti dies aged 90 after Alzheimer's battle

Monica Vitti has sadly passed away aged 90 – following a long battle with Alzheimer’s disease.

The Italian actress was famed for her role in the 1964 film Red Desert, and won a whopping seven Golden Globe awards during her decorated career.

She bagged her first film role in the 1954 Italian comedy Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

Vitti, who was born Maria Luisa Ceciarelli, shot to fame after appearing in a string of films by screenwriter Michelangelo Antonioni.

She became an international star when she took on a lead role in the 1960 flick L’Avventura – which won the Jury Prize at the 1960 Cannes Film Festival.

The talented actress won seven Italian Golden Globes during her career, including the Career Golden Globe, Best Actress, and five David di Donatello Awards.

She also won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival – in 1995.

Italy’s minister of culture said she was the “queen of Italian cinema” as he lead tributes to the star.

He wrote: “Farewell to Monica Vitti, farewell to the queen of Italian cinema.

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“Today is a really sad day, a great artist and a great Italian disappeared.”

Monica is survived by her husband Robert Russo, who confirmed in 2018 that he had been looking after her at their home in Rome with help from a caregiver.

Vitti tied the knot with Russo in 200, and they had been in a relationship together since 1973.

In 2011, it was revealed that Alzheimer’s disease had removed Monica from public life for the last 15 years.

Vitti’s last public appearance came in 2002 – at the Paris premiere of the musical theatre show, Notre-Dame de Paris.

Born in Rome on 3 November 1931, Monica trained as an actress at the National Academy of Dramatic Arts in Rome – graduating in 1953.

She also worked with the likes of late Harry Potter Dumbledore actor Richard Harris, Terence Stamp and Michael Caine during her film career.

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Source: Celebrities -


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