The new series of Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons returns to Netflix with a bang on Wednesday (September 28), with presenter Raphael Rowe back at the hosting helm.
In the nail-biting series, the 54-year-old journalist will step inside four new prisons across the globe – Bosnia, Cyprus, Moldova and Greece – to speak to prisoners and guards about their gruelling experiences inside these difficult institutes.
One of the risks the broadcaster has to manage while spending seven days inside the incarceration facility is the safety of himself and his crew – which hasn’t always been easy for dad-of-three.
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Arguably, one of the biggest threats to the temporary prisoners is the potential harm they may come to whether that be from guards or other prisoners during their time behind bars.
(Image: Crime+Investigation)
Now, in an exclusive interview with Daily Star, the TV presenter has revealed some of the craftiest ways prisoners have managed to create and conceal weapons within the prison gates.
He explained how one of the most surprising weapons he was shown during his travels was a concealed weapon hidden inside of a religious ornament.
The broadcaster revealed: “I think it was in the Bosnia episode actually where I was being shown some of the knives in this series where the crosses that prisoners wear – you pull out the top of the cross and there’s a little knife in there.
“I’d never seen anything like it. Prisoners are ingenious in making weapons out of all kinds of tools.”
(Image: HANDOUT)
But it’s not always the obvious weapons which are the deadliest in prison, after he recalled how his previous cellmates from a prison in Paraguay managed to pull the railings off of their windows to use them as weapons.
Raphael continued: “But also, in the Paraguay episode where prisoners literally took the bars off of the railings and then used the iron bars as weapons.
“So, these incredible little dangerous things these prisoners are making out of absolutely nothing.
“It’s also a big reminder that even when you meet the nicest guy in prison, there are lots of prisoners who are making those little knives to harm other prisoners.”
(Image: HANDOUT)
The TV star went on to explain how chef’s knives and workman’s tools are the “least dangerous” weapons inside the prison because they are so securely monitored.
He went on: “How do you expect a prisoner to cut their meat if they don’t have a knife? Well during my time, it was all plastic cutlery so you could only cut [your food].
“But in the kitchens where you have communal kitchens all over the world, prisoners are preparing food and there has to be a trust where they do need knives, they do need weapons.
“Real knives are probably the least dangerous weapons in prisons. Hammers and things like that [are more harmful] because they are secured by the staff and they have to be booked in and out so it’s protected in that way.”
Inside The World’s Toughest Prisons Series Six is available to stream on Netflix now.
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