
MasterChef 2022 winner announced as Eddie Scott as he's hailed 'future great chef'

Eddie Scott has been revealed as the winner of MasterChef 2022.

The 31-year-old cook has become the 18th amateur chef to win the beloved BBC food show, after beating 44 other contestants to claim the title.

He faced tough competition from fellow finalists Pookie Tredell and Radha Kaushal-Bolland, but only one star could win.

The MasterChef final took place on Thursday night (May 5) after Eddie and his fellow contestants battled through seven weeks of gruelling food challenges in front of the nation.

Eddie said winning MasterChef means “everything” to him as he spoke about his epic TV achievement.

Eddie Scott has been announced as the winner of MasterChef 2022

He said: “It’s everything. My whole life I feel has been building up to this moment. I can’t believe I’m standing here as the MasterChef champion. It’s just been the most stressful and the most enjoyable! I feel like I’ve just discovered who I am as cook. It’s the best feeling ever.”

MasterChef judging duo John Torode and Gregg Wallace were bursting with praise for their winning contestant, who they hailed as a “future great” in the culinary game.

John said: “Eddie is nothing short of a culinary powerhouse. His love of classic French food blended with the spices of India, has made us really stand up and take notice. He’s daring, he’s adventurous, he doesn’t play it safe”.

Gregg agreed: “I think we’ve just seen the birth of a future great chef. Eddie impressed from the moment he set foot in this kitchen. He’s hardly put a foot wrong throughout the competition.”

Eddie faced off against fellow finalists Pookie Tredell [second left] and Radha Kaushal-Bolland [right]
(Image: PA)

Eddie revealed he decided to sign up to MasterChef after watching the show for “years”.

He said: “I sat watching the show for years telling myself to apply. I wanted to go up in front of John and Gregg to see what I could really do.

“I think every amateur cook secretly dreams of having the chance to go onto a show like MasterChef – to have that one chance of totally changing your life in what you love doing!”

The final four contestants included Sarah Rankin, who was knocked out of the show on Wednesday evening.

Eddie spent eight years in the Merchant Navy before entering BBC’s MasterChef
(Image: PA)

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Eddie blew Gregg away with his final dish, with the MasterChef veteran calling the contestant a “born cook”.

He said: “When I look at you, I can’t honestly imagine you doing anything else but cooking, you are a born cook. I can’t pay you any better compliment.”

Outside of cooking, Eddie worked as a navigation officer in the Merchant Navy for eight years, which saw him travel the world.

Eddie was born in Leicestershire, but he now lives with his beloved fiancée Nami in Beverley, East Yorkshire.

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Source: Celebrities -


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