
Queen thinks Boris Johnson is ‘blithering idiot’ after resignation, psychic believes

The Queen believes Boris Johnson is an idiot after he eventually resigned following years of scandal, a psychic believes.

After being faced with more than 50 resignations in less than 24 hours, the controversial leader finally announced his decision to step down.

Now, the Queen, 96, will be faced with asking the new Conservative Party leader to form a government in her name.

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In recent weeks, Boris has been hit with scandal, admitting he met an ex-KGB agent without officials present while he was foreign secretary, back in April 2018.

Several of his top MPs including Sajid Javid and Rishi Sunak resigned, sending a meteoric wave through the Party, with many calling on Bozo to hand his notice in before he finally did on Thursday (July 7).

Telly psychic Deborah Davies has shared what she believes the Queen will be thinking following the news her outgoing Prime Minister has finally resigned

Now, former Real Housewives of Cheshire and psychic star Deborah Davies has shared her thoughts on what she believes the Queen and Boris may be thinking.

Speaking exclusively to the Daily Star, she said: “I think the queen thinks Boris is a blithering idiot.

“The Queen has spent her entire life making sure she does everything expected of a Queen, she has worked tirelessly to avoid bringing any embarrassment to the Royal family, not just to protect them but to also protect us as the British public so we can be proud of the country we live in.”

The Queen will be faced with asking the new Conservative Party leader to form a government in her name
(Image: Getty Images)

She went on to say: “Boris however is still living in the Yuppie era and thinks it’s perfectly acceptable to party while the poor people live under an entirely different set of rules.

“Baffled Boris can’t understand for the life of him what he’s done wrong.”

She added: “This man has an ego bigger than Buckingham Palace.

“Who can trust a man who can’t brush his hair? It’s a shame the Tower of London no longer does its original job.”

Boris has now resigned from his position after being backed in a corner by Tory MPs
(Image: AFP via Getty Images)

Speaking outside of 10 Downing Street on Thursday, Boris said he was “sad” to be “giving up the best job in the world” as he announced his resignation.

With a group of people, including his wife Carrie watching on, he added: “But them’s the breaks.”

He explained: “I tried to persuade my colleagues that it would be eccentric to change governments when we’re delivering so much. I regret not to have been successful in those arguments.”

Boris suggested that he had been forced to resign after the “herd instinct” in Government which was too “powerful” to avoid.

He will remain in post until a new leader of the Conservative Party is found.


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