
Ant McPartlin breaks silence on ITV I’m A Celebrity ‘fix’ claims after Nella Rose controversy

ITV I ‘m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here hosts Ant McPartlin and Dec Donnelly have hit back at claims that the show is “fixed”.

The pair spoke out after Nella Rose was appointed camp leader with former EastEnders actress Danielle Harold being made her deputy leader, a move which left viewers frustrated.

Nella told her campmates that she was “restoring justice” and quickly got revenge on Fred Sirieix as she gave him and Nigel Farage the cleaning and washing up duties.

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She got her role given through a secret ballot, but despite it being decided fairly, viewers claimed it was “obvious the show was fixed” in Nella’s favour.

Ant and Dec addressed claims that the show has been fixed by producers

Ant quickly hit back at the claims as he said to the show’s fans: “I saw a few people on social media say that it was obvious [that Nella was voted camp leader].

“No, it wasn’t. It was a complete blind vote which they’ve done down there, it was completely up to the campmates. Not up to anybody here in production.

Nella Rose was made the camp leader of I’m A Celebrity
(Image: Shutterstock)

“They obviously enjoy her in camp and think that she needs to be camp leader and we like it because it’s great for the show” as Declan Donnelly chipped in: “It’s great content.”

Ant and Dec’s comments came after the show’s Instagram account was forced to apologise after it was revealed it had “liked” a negative comment from a viewer about Nella.

I’m A Celebrity were forced to apologise after accidentally liking a negative comment about Nella Rose

In a statement, they said: “Yesterday we accidentally liked a comment on Instagram while scrolling down through viewer comments

“The post in question contained unacceptable language about one of our campmates and we apologise for the mistake made and any offence caused.

“We seek to champion all our campmates and would always urge our audience to be kind when commenting on social media.”

I’m A Celeb airs weekdays at 9pm on ITV.

Source: Celebrities -


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