EastEnders fans are predicting surprising twist for Queen Vic landlady Linda Carter after she tried to sell the pub following his death.
Linda revealed to Alfie that she couldn’t remain as landlady as there were too many reminders of Mick in the pub.
As she went to meet with a solicitor, she returned to tell Alfie that she was unable to sell the Vic without Mick’s permission, but is unable to secure a death certificate as he is still considered missing.
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Fans are now certain Linda’s best pal Sharon will step in a save the day, and become the new face of the famous Albert Square haunt.
(Image: BBC)
“Linda should run the pub with Sharon as she can’t sell the pub without Mick’s permission,” said on viewer.
“Hope Linda keeps the Vic and runs it with Sharon,” another agreed.
A third added: “Sharon: She isn’t thinking straight. PREACH IT SHARON!!!!! You need to run the Vic with Linda.!”
While a fourth echoed: “i really hope sharon runs the vic with linda. she has been there for linda in her darkest times, she’s an auntie to linda’s children & she cares so much for linda and her family. she’s the only acceptable offer for me <3.”
Another believed it would be the right this to do to have the Watts legacy return to the pub.
“Know she’s done it so many times before but can’t help wanting it to be Sharon who takes over the Queen Vic and have the Watts legacy resume – her rightful place is as landlady #EastEnders.”
Tonight’s episode saw Alfie gather Mick’s friends together to surprise Linda with a vigil at the pub.
As they celebrated his life and remembered Mick, the police soon arrived with huge news for Linda. She was horrified to be presented with Mick’s wallet, which had washed up onto shore. Linda was heartbroken as she opened the wallet to see Mick’s driving licence inside and the tears flowed when she noticed he had kept a number of family photos in there too.
Meanwhile, Lily finally made a decision about her pregnancy, telling Stacey and Martin that she has decided to have an abortion.
Ricky secured custody of Scarlett and plans to return to Germany, convincing Sam to go with him.
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Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk