
ITV Emmerdale Jacob’s downfall ‘sealed’ after ‘step-mum’ fling — but it’s not to do with David

Emmerdale fans reckon one resident will be getting revenge on Jacob and Victoria for their fling – and it’s not his dad David.

As fans will recall, the pair have been growing closer over the past few weeks. And it did not take long before sparks started flying between the pair while Jacob’s adoptive father David Metcalfe remained blissfully ignorant.

The duo have taken any chance they can to take part in a steamy romp session. And during Monday’s (November 27) trip to the Dales, Victoria and Jacob were at it again.

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However, David caught the pair kissing, and in Tuesday’s episode (Novemeber 28) he told Jacob he knew everything – leading to a blazing row between the father and son.

Jacob fling with his dad’s ex has been rumbled
(Image: ITV)

Now it’s all out in the open, fans reckon things aren’t looking good for Jacob and Victoria. On X, viewers claimed one resident will be getting revenge on the pair – and it’s not David.

“Forget David it’s Layla they want to worry about. Layla going to ruin Victoria over this,” said one person. Another added: “I hope so!” A third quipped: “Hope Layla lamps her.. this has been the worst storyline ever.”

David told Jacob he knew everything

Other fans were feeling sorry for David. One person wrote: “I do feel bad for David.” Someone else penned: “Sorry but I feel like giving David a hug.”

A third chimed in and wrote: “David receiving a double whammy of revelations must be the worst birthday present ever!” A fourth also said: “Davis is having a crap day isn’t he.”

Fans think Leyla could get revenge on Victoria

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During his row with Jacob, David got another shock when dad Eric Pollard walked in and assumed David was upset because he had found out about his own Parkinson’s disease.

But David had no idea, and Eric accidentally revealed his diagnosis to everyone. Heartbroken by his family’s recent revelations, David said he felt like he had been stabbed in the back and stormed off.

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