It’s fair to say the Rovers Return is one of the most well-known pubs in all of soapland which holds a wealth of history throughout Coronation Street ’s 60-year reign on our screens.
But things are set to take a turn for the worse this week when landlady Jenny Connor faces money troubles that could put the historic building out of business.
Over the next few days, ITV fans can be expected to be glued to their screens as they watch the beloved pub battle through a series of financial struggles.
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The legendary pub has had many landlords and landladies over the years and has housed some of the most dramatic scenes across the shows history.
(Image: Richard Saker/REX/Shutterstock)
Now, Daily Star has put one of the world’s most popular artificially intelligent “creative” tools Bard AI through its paces to see which resident will become the new pub landlord.
When asked who could be the next owner of the historic pub, the program predicted the most likely character to step up to the plate.
The AI system suggested the best person to step into the role would be Peter Barlow (played by Chris Gascoyne) after he expressed an interest in buying the public house back earlier this year.
(Image: ITV)
The businessman previously owned the iconic pub back in 2017 with Toyah Battersby and faced several problems along the way.
Loyal fans of the ITV soap will remember how Peter struggled as a recovering alcoholic, with viewers expecting the character to fall off the wagon throughout his reign.
But the landlord proved them all wrong and managed to stay clean during his stint and even made effort to improve the pub such as introducing a bed and breakfast upstairs.
It wasn’t until their relationship came to an end that the pair decided to put the pub on sale and move back into their old properties on the Cobbles.
(Image: ITv)
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It comes after spoilers revealed a familiar face is set to return to the Cobbles who could give Peter a run for him money in the race to become the new pub owner.
Fans are hoping a familiar face could save the day and it appears as though businessman Henry Newton (George Banks) could be the man to do it after five years away from Weatherfield.
Even current owner Jenny is set to beg the entrepreneur for his support with the pub and agrees to spend more time with him on a romantic level if he saves the business.
Only time will tell if the Rovers can survive the financial crisis and which resident will step into the role of the new landlord.
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