The A-Team first exploded onto TV screens 40 years ago this week, becoming an instant hit.
Despite ending its highly successful five-season run well over 30 years ago, the NBC show remains one of the most iconic programmes ever made on both sides of the pond.
Wanted for a crime they did not commit, this mismatched collection of highly decorated Vietnam veterans worked together as a unit perfectly to fight off all manner of enemies, often not leaving so much as a mark on them, but still winning the day.
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A global phenomenon, its theme music and vehicle are still instantly recognisable, and its cast members remain household names.
So to celebrate 40 years since a fool was first pitied on British television, the Daily Star has taken a look into where the cast of The A-Team are now.
B.A. Baracus – Mr T/Lawrence Tureaud
(Image: Getty)
Alongside George Peppard Mr T, real name Lawrence Tureaud, was the only one who had real military experience having joined the Army after being expelled from college.
After drafting into the Army, Mr. T served in the Military Police.
Since his role in the popular series he has continued to live an adventurous life and has frequently been cast in several roles that embody his former role as B.A. Baracus.
The star was diagnosed with T-cell lymphoma in 1995, but this never seemed to prohibit him from continuing his career.
His gold chains were as iconic as his hairstyle, with the actor stating in his 1984 biography that they were a symbol of the chains his African ancestors had when they were slaves.
They were reportedly worth $300,000 and took an hour to put on, however, he stopped wearing the gold chains after the Katrina disaster in 2005, saying they would be an insult to all who were suffering.
More recently he starred in TV commercials for Snickers.
Away from the limelight, the star is a practising Christian and has three children.
Captain HM Murdock – Dwight Schultz
(Image: Getty)
Actor Dwight Schultz played the role of Captain HM “Howling Mad” Murdock in the programme.
Dwight’s unusual demeanour as Captain HM quickly became one of the most loved characters on the show during the 80s.
However, things could have been very different had sack happy producers got their way, as they initially intended to cancel his role.
It was only when they saw the reaction of the test audiences that they decided to keep the character around.
After the A-Team had finished, the actor continued to work in TV and film and played Reginald Barclay in Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek Voyager.
In more recent years, Dwight decided to pack in his on-screen roles and opted to do voice work.
The star has appeared in popular animated series including children’s cartoon Ben 10, as well as the animated series Chowder, and CatDog.
The actor, who is now 75, also voiced the Scarecrow in Happy Halloween, Scooby-Doo.
John ‘Hannibal’ Smith – George Peppard
(Image: NBCUniversal via Getty Images)
George Peppard played the character Colonel John “Hannibal” Smith and was the oldest member of the original A-Team cast.
Sadly, the actor, who had been married five times, passed away a few years after the show had ended in 1994.
George’s character was the leader of the pack and became famous for his popular catchphrase: “I love it when a plan comes together.”
Despite working well together as a team, all was not well on the set, and Peppard allegedly didn’t get on with one of his co-stars, namely Mr.T.
At one point, the drama was said to have been so bad that the two refused to even acknowledge one another on set.
Rarely seen without a cigar while the cameras were rolling, George was a heavy smoker in real life too and was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1992.
Two years later he passed away after contracting pneumonia, at the age of 65
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Templeton ‘Faceman’ Peck – Dirk Benedict
(Image: Getty)
Fans of The A Team will definitely remember Dirk Benedict playing smooth-talking Lieutenant Templeton “Faceman” Peck who appeared on the show from 1983.
The star was best known for his dashing good looks at the time and the charming charisma he had with the ladies.
By the time the series begun its run Benedict had gained a new outlook on life after receiving a cancer diagnosis in the 70s.
His diagnosis saw him seizing all opportunities and transform his diet.
Once the show finished in 1987, the actor bagged himself a role in an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Hamlet on stage.
He also starred in movies such as Shadow Force and Alaska.
Back in 1986, Dirk married actress Toni Hudson, who had appeared in a season four episode of A-Team.
They divorced in 1995, but share two children together – George and Roland.
Dirk later discovered he had a third child from a previous relationship, who had been put up for adoption.
The son, John Talbert, managed to contact his birth parents.
Amy Amanda Allen – Melinda Culea
(Image: NBCUniversal via Getty Images)
Melinda Culea played journalist Amy Amanda Allen who made sure her confidence was never shaken while she was with the boys.
Melinda’s time on the show, though impactful, wasn’t a long one, which left fans wondering what happened to the star.
Rumours circulated that Melinda demanded more money than what was on offer for her role as Amy, while others believe she may have been unhappy playing the part.
Another rumour is that there was some bad blood between her and actor George Peppard from the show’s first episode.
The actress claims that Peppard’s animosity spread to the other actors.
By the second season, the entire cast had ganged up on her, convincing producers to fire her.
After her time on the show, Melinda managed to gain steady work starring in programmes until her last television appearance in 2001.
Since then Melinda found success in the literary world and released her first novel, Wondago in 2016.
Colonel Francis Lynch – William Lucking
(Image: Getty Images)
In the show’s first season, the MPs chasing the A-Team were led by Colonel Francis Lynch, played by William Lucking.
Prior to his role in the show the American film, television, and stage actor played tough bikers, craggy cowboys and determined military and police officers in several films stretching back to the late 60s.
Years as a Hollywood tough guy and stuntman took a toll on the actor’s body, and his wife, Sigrid says those injuries made his final years very painful.
She said Lucking had a myriad of injuries over his career including one motorcycle accident where he fell 80 feet off a bridge during filming which left him in a body cast for weeks.
After his run-in with the A-Team he continued to appear in films and television, most recently playing the role of Piney Winston in Sons of Anarchy (2008–2011).
William’s first wife, Marycarolyn “Mimi” Hawkins, with whom he had two children, died of cancer in 1995.
He was married to his second wife, Sigrid Insull, a costume designer from 1996 until his death in 2021, at the age of 80.
Colonel Roderick Decker – Lance LeGault
(Image: Getty Images)
Colonel Lynch was replaced for the second, third, and earlier fourth season by Colonel Roderick Decker, played by Lance LeGault.
Lance’s first three film appearances were as a stunt double for Elvis Presley, in the early 60s.
In television he was commonly known for playing military personnel, especially officers, having starred in the 1981 comedy Stripes, as Colonel Glass, alongside John Candy and Bill Murray..
As well as his role as Colonel Decker he had a recurring role in another hit 80s series, Magnum, P.I., as United States Marine Corps colonel, Colonel “Buck” Greene.
He played three different characters in Airwolf and guest-starred on yet another hit 1980s television series, Dallas, as Al Halliday in 1989.
LeGault, who had been married for 28 years and had four children, died from heart failure in 2012 at his home in Los Angeles at the age of 77.
Captain Crane – Carl Franklin
(Image: Getty Images)
Colonel Roderick Decker’s aide during his run was Captain Crane played by Carl Franklin from 1983 to 1985 .
Franklin is a graduate of University of California, Berkeley, and continued his education at the AFI Conservatory, where he graduated with an M.F.A. degree in directing in 1986
His stint in the popular action-adventure series was his longest lasting, and most recognizable, acting role.
After his time on the series ended he has spent more time behind the camera than in front of it as a director, screenwriter and producer.
The 73-year-old’s directing credits include the multi-award-winning American crime thriller One False Move (1992).
Franklin is married to film producer Jesse Beaton, who produced One False Move.
General Hunt Stockwell – Robert Vaughn
(Image: Getty Images)
The fifth season introduced General Hunt Stockwell, played by Robert Vaughn, who, while serving as the team’s primary antagonist, was also the team’s boss and joined them on several missions.
Vaughn was already a well-established American actor when he joined the cast of The A-Team in the final season.
Best known for his role in The Man From U.N.C.L.E he also portrayed the gunman Lee in The Magnificent Seven with Yul Brynner and Steve McQueen, and starred as General Woodbridge in The Delta Force with Lee Marvin.
Following his time with Hannibal and co he made several cameo appearances on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, and a string of guest roles on series such as Law & Order.
Vaughn experienced a resurgence in 2004 and began co-starring in the British TV drama series Hustle, which was also broadcast in the United States on the cable network AMC.
He also appeared in the world’s longest-running soap opera, Coronation Street, in 2012.
The father of two was married to actress Linda Staab in 1974.
Vaughn died in a hospice in Danbury, Connecticut in 2016, eleven days before his 84th birthday.
Celebrity cameos
As the show’s popularity grew, so did its ability to attract celebrity cameos.
Hulk Hogan, 69, appeared in two episodes “Body Slam” and “The Trouble With Harry”.
In Body Slam Hogan was joined by other WWF wrestlers including The British Bulldogs and “Mr Wonderful” Paul Orndorff.
Hogan has continued his long affiliation with the wrestling world up to the present day, and has also featured in a number of reality TV programmes.
His match with Andre the Giant in 1988 still holds American television viewership records for wrestling with 33 million viewers.
British-born singer Boy George, 61, appeared in the episode “Cowboy George”.
He has continued on his musical path as well as a host of other activities including songwriting, DJing, writing books, designing clothes and photography
In 2015, George received an Ivor Novello Award from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors for Outstanding Services to British Music and recently appeared on ITV hit I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here!
American singer-songwriter, musician and record producer, Rick James appeared in the episode “The Heart of Rock n’ Roll” as himself.
Best known for the hits “Give It to Me Baby” and “Super Freak” James died in 2004 aged 56.
Former Bond villain Yaphet Kotto played Charles F. Struthers in the episode “The Out of Towners”.
As well as his role as the main villain in Live and Let Die, Kananga, Kotto starred in numerous films and television series including Homicide: Life on the Street (1993–1999) as Lieutenant Al Giardello.
The father of six was married three times, and died at the age of 81 in 2021.
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