
Twilight fans are just figuring out how vampires ran so fast – and it wasn’t CGI

Twilight fans across the world have been left gobsmacked after figuring out how the fast vampire running was achieved on camera.

And no, before you ask – it wasn’t CGI.

The Twilight Saga follows the Cullens, a family of vampires who attempt to fit in at a small town high school – and they’re gifted with an array of mystical powers.

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As well as being able to read minds and sparkle in the sunlight, Bella’s love Edward can run very fast, along with the rest of his family.

Scenes across the five films see the vamps covering wide distances in seconds – but how exactly was that achieved?

The Twilight running scenes were achieved using physical tricks
(Image: Publicity Picture)

Well, it wasn’t computer generated images. Instead, behind-the-scenes footage confirmed that the actors were first placed on a treadmill while being pulled along by a moving truck, allowing for the continued running effect.

While being towed along, the actors run on the spot at a normal human speed.

It’s not the only scene you’ll see in a very different way after learning how it was filmed. Poor Taylor Lautner, who played werewolf Jacob Black, wore a “non-reflective grey outfit” while chatting to Bella.

The actors would run on treadmills – leaving TikTok users baffled
(Image: TIKTOK)

Covered from head-to-toe in a bizarre hooded costume, Taylor would bow his head for Kristen Stewart’s Bella to scratch while appearing in his wolf form.

The actor was then able to be edited out of the footage and a CGI wolf placed where he used to be.

Possibly one of the most well-remembered moments of bizarre camera trickery has to be baby Renesmee, Bella and Edward’s child.

It’s not the only weird behind-the-scenes trick in the films
(Image: DF-08621)

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The uncanny valley baby – originally an animatronic – was branded ‘Chuckesmee’ after the famous Chucky dolls, with Doll producer Wyck Godfrey branding her “one of the most terrifying animatronic babies to ever not be seen on film”.

Thankfully the doll was cut out and replaced with a CGI baby instead, which was still a weird choice but… thankfully less weird, overall.


Source: Celebrities -


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