A scientist turned actress believes ghosts are real and says her grandmother was seen cuddling her when she was a baby – despite dying days before.
Amber Doig-Thorne has featured in 25 horror films and she claims to have had multiple first-hand supernatural experiences in real life too.
The Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey star also said spirits have been causing havoc in her new home by moving objects and slamming doors.
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She acknowledged that some people think she is bonkers for believing in the supernatural, especially given she has a degree in theoretical physics.
(Image: Getty Images for BAFTA)
But Amber spoke to Daily Star about her eerie sightings.
She said: “I can’t remember the first time but it was at my christening.
“Both my grandmothers looked very similar but I never knew my maternal grandmother because she died just weeks before my christening.
“On the day of my christening, my mum popped upstairs and briefly saw my grandmother, my dad’s mum, standing by my cot holding me.
“But when mum went downstairs, who did she see but my gran…
“Mum was utterly confused and asked how she had gotten downstairs so fast. But she said had never been upstairs.
(Image: Amber Doig-Thorne)
“My family and I are convinced that the ghost of my maternal grandmother had been saying goodbye to me. My mother was not the only family member to see this apparition.
“So, from an early age, I was comfortable with the supernatural.”
Amber’s father is also a believer having attended a spiritual church as a youngster.
Her mum meanwhile is more sceptical despite not being able to offer a logical explanation to what she saw at the christening.
(Image: Jagged Edge Productions / ITN Studios)
And ghostly happenings have been a frequent presence throughout Amber’s life.
She told us: “The apartment I am in at the moment is a new build and it’s really strange because things move all the time.
“I will be looking at a door and it will just shut by itself and sometimes I will see a shoe moving across the floor.
“Or my boyfriend and I will be watching TV and a phone will throw itself off the sofa.
(Image: Amber Doig-Thorne)
“But it’s not something I have ever been concerned about. I don’t think it’s an evil presence or anything. But there have definitely been spooky happenings that I have seen.”
Amber described herself as a “huge science nerd” and although acting was always her dream, she studied physics in uni as a plan B.
And she believes her scientific background gives her an even stronger belief that ghosts are real.
She explained: “There is a basic principle that energy can’t be created or destroyed.
“It is just transformed from one form to another.
(Image: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt19623240/?ref_=tt_mv_close)
“So if you think that humans have a life force like a soul while they’re living then it makes complete sense that when they pass away that energy goes somewhere else.
“Maybe it’s the soul passing somewhere else or the energy being transformed into a ghost. But for me, from a scientific basis, that makes complete sense.
“I do remember having some conversations like that with fellow science students from university and it was surprising how many people who agreed.
(Image: Amber Doig-Thorne)
“I think there is a general opinion that you can’t be a scientist and believe in the supernatural but that’s not true at all.
“I am really open about it but because I have a scientific background, if I say I believe in ghosts people think it’s really weird.”
Amber has worked on many horror productions and we asked her if she had any chilling incidents while on set.
And she recalled working in an abandoned manor house where The Woman in Black starring Daniel Radcliffe was shot.
They were making a film called Intervention and the director wanted people to avoid a certain area of the house that was supposedly haunted.
Feigning a bathroom break, Amber couldn’t resist a visit but said her fully charged phone immediately turned itself off after entering the off-limit zone.
She also described going freezing cold while an unpleasant sulphur-like smell suddenly became pungent.
(Image: Amber Doig-Thorne)
The smell vanished and her phone switched back on after backing out – and she said the same thing happened the following day when she went again.
Amber added: “I was like ‘oh my god this is so weird’ and part of me thought they were pranking me because it was a horror film and they know I believe in ghosts and stuff.
“But yeah, that one was weird.”
Although some would consider such things disturbing, this isn’t the case for Amber.
She concluded: “Thank goodness for me nothing has been too scary.
(Image: Jagged Edge Productions/ITN Studios)
“When my mother told me the christening story it filled my heart with happiness. It was like my gran coming back to say goodbye for the final time.
“I really liked that story and that memory and it makes me feel really happy when I think about it.
“The experiences I have had have been entirely positive.
“Although it is a bit odd when you see things moving for no reason and I have always enjoyed horror films and supernatural films so it’s weird that sometimes I do encounter these things in real life.”
Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk