An “intimacy educator” claims she’s the real-life life version of Jennifer Lawrence’s character from the hit movie No Hard Feelings as concerned mums send their “trembling” virgin sons to get experience with her.
Alice Little provides social outcasts who were bullied at school and didn’t “take the next step” into the world of sex and dating a chance to practice with her. As Valentine’s Day approaches the 33-year-old, who works at a legal brothel in Nevada, US, claims she’s noticed a surge in worried mums asking her to help their clueless sons.
“Mums are sending their sons to me ahead of Valentine’s Day to get their first experience under their belt. They’re reaching out from a place of care and concern — wanting to make sure their kid essentially doesn’t become bitter and negative towards women,” she said.
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Her racy job is remarkably similar to the plot of raunchy rom-com No Hard Feelings. The sex comedy, which was released last year, stars Jennifer as a woman hired by a couple to help their sexually inexperienced son before he goes off to university.
(Image: Kennedy News/Alice Little)
Alice explains she does the same thing by setting up practice first dates with inexperienced men. She said: “Sometimes they’re introverted, they play a lot of video games online or they were picked on in school and they never really made that next step into sex and dating.
“I’ll set up a practice first date with someone to set them up with the skills they’re going to need to be in successful relationships in future.” The petite redhead claims she gives her shy clients safe, sexual experiences that increase their confidence and provide them with skills they can use in their real dating lives.
(Image: Kennedy News/Alice Little)
She explained: “Getting to sit and go out on a date is truly a first experience for them so it’s so stressful and nerve-wracking. I’ve had guys shaking in a mocked-up first date situation, for some of these gentlemen they’ve not even had their first kiss.
“I think it’s really beneficial to have that first experience with someone who is more experienced because there’s not going to be any judgment. I have a pretty good sense of how to get people to relax and overcome their nerves and set somebody up for the best time possible.”
(Image: Kennedy News/Alice Little)
And she claims it works, adding: “It’s so fantastic to see these gentlemen grow in confidence and see the transformation. It’s really wonderful when I get follow-up emails from people multiple weeks and months down the road.
“They say ‘yeah I decided to take your advice and make a dating profile, and now I’m going on my first date’. They’ll give me updates about how things are going for them, which is really wonderful.”
(Image: Sony)
It’s not just young men she sees, as Alice noted timid blokes of all ages require her assistance. She said: “I see men pretty much of all ages from those aged 21 treating themselves to a 21st birthday gift to men in their 70s.
“The men in their 70s have lost their partner and don’t want to get into another long-term relationship but still want to have intimacy and a meaningful sex life. When it comes to first-timers, men who’ve never had sex before, I’ve noticed a lot of gentlemen in their 30s/40s/50s who over the pandemic paused and reevaluated their priorities.
(Image: Kennedy News/Alice Little)
“They’re now choosing to make it a point to have that first sexual experience and it’s a great way to do it.” Alice said she welcomes mums booking their sons in for an experience with her — providing they’re not springing it on them as a surprise.
Alice said: “So long as it’s consensual and the person is aware that this is what they’re getting as a present. You should never surprise someone with a visit to a sex worker. I don’t do surprise presents but presents with informed consent — absolutely because it gives someone something to look forward to that’s meaningful, special and fantastic.”
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