Pop star Peter Andre has claimed he saw a UFO that made a “mysterious swirl”.
He said he also witnessed objects in the sky on a visit to Area 51 – the secret base in the USA where aliens are supposed to have been probed. The Mysterious Girl singer said: “I believe because I’ve seen things. So we were in Cyprus one time – it was me, Junior, Princess, my two eldest, and then we had my brother Danny.
“There was about six of us and we were driving in this kind of remote part of Cyprus. And we saw this thing appear out of the sky that was just phenomenal. I mean, it literally popped into the atmosphere and it just was so bright.
READ MORE: Peter Andre convinced aliens are real as ‘people found with mystifying chips inside them’
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“Have you ever seen the spiral things? These spiral things that become a huge spiral and then something just pops out of the centre. “I’ve seen it before, not just in Cyprus, but this particular night, this thing appeared and it was so bright. And when I say it’s shot across the sky, I mean, you can’t turn your head fast enough.”
Peter also told the We Can Be Weirdos podcast he had a bizarre Men In Black-type experience in the Nevada desert. He explained: “One time we were filming a reality show and I really wanted to go to Area 51 or as close to Area 51 as you can go.
“And you can only get to within 20 miles of the base, where you see those signs saying, ‘Do not pass this point, deadly force can be used.’ We were parked there, it was evening, and these big white trucks with blacked-out windows were flashing bright lights at us to just basically warn us to leave.”
Pete, 51, said his cameraman refused to film and the local guide they had with them claimed the area was bugged by spooks. He added: “Apparently leading up to there, there’s microphones everywhere. So they hear what you’re saying. They hear everything.
(Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
“They hear what your intentions are. This is what we were told, because the guy that was taking us, he wouldn’t give us his name.” Pete said the owner of a nearby coffee shop called the Alien Cafe took him out the back privately to tell him where to find UFOs.
He said: “He started explaining, it’s an every night thing. So you wait here long enough, you’ll see yourself too.” He said, ‘These things are huge, they hover really low to the ground, no sound, bright orange orbs, yellow, red. And he said they’ve just become so used to it.
“They’re not scared of them. He said most of the people that work in Area 51 are from this town. And he just said, ‘Wait long enough and you’ll see it for yourself.’ We were starting to get a bit freaked out.
“So we went and found an area where we could sit and watch and there were things, whether they were earthly or non earthly, I’d never seen anything like it. Flying in the sky at speeds I’d never seen before. Jotting from one spot of the sky, disappearing, appearing somewhere else, shooting across.
“I mean, it was crazy, but distant, very, very distant. It’s not from my world. I’d never seen anything like it. So for me, it was something extraordinary.”
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Source: Celebrities - dailystar.co.uk