First Dates Hotel beauty brutally abandons date to hook up with stunning woman

First Dates Hotel viewers were stunned as they’re set to watch an epic twist tomorrow night, as bombshell Rachael is set to ditch her date to ask out Georgia, who she knows from Leicester.

The two brunette beauties met before their date, and revealed they knew each other through mutual friends, and both said they were bisexual.

As Francesco came up to serve them, they said they had never met before but had seen each other on Instagram, and he later told the other waiters he thought they liked each other.

The pair seemed to get very flirty as they both later admitted they fancied each other, with Rachael ringing her friend in her hotel room while preparing for her date.

But they later went for dates with men, but couldn’t stop looking at each other as they were sat on the table, stunning viewers.

Rachael admitted she was attracted to Georgia before going on her date

As Rachael walked in, Georgia quickly told her date about her, revealing they knew each other from home, as fans suspected they would get together.

In tomorrow night’s episode, Rachael tells her date she is bisexual before going over to Georgia and asking her for her own date.

Standing at her table, she says: “He is so nice.

Georgia also seemed to find Rachael attractive as the pair flirted

“But I would quite like to sit here and have a drink with you to be honest.

“They should have set us up together.”

Georgia later says to the camera: “He is definitely boyfriend material. But I was distracted by Georgia, I’m not going to lie.

“I’m in a bit of a dilemma.”

Fans predicted the pair will get together next episode

Viewers rushed to social media to predict the two brunettes will get together next episode, as one fan wrote: “Those two are going to get together aren’t they?”

Another added: “So Rachel and Georgia are gonna get together then.”

A third chipped in: “Feel a bit sorry for Georgias date on FDH. Georgia’s heads been turned by Rachel before he even got on his date. DRAMA!”

First Dates continues next Thursday at 9pm on Channel 4.

Source: Celebrities -

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