Good Morning Britain viewers in hysterics as twins, 95, talk sex life

Good Morning Britain fans were left in hysterics today after show guests Lil and Doris who are the nation’s oldest identical twins made a shocking revelation live on TV.

Speaking to Piers Morgan and Susanna Reid via video link from their home in the West Midlands, the playful duo couldn’t resist a cheeky swipe at one another.

Piers Morgan asked: “What is the secret of living so long and so well?”

Before he managed to finish the question, Lil interrupted “plenty of sex..” as she pointed at her sister.

Laughing, Doris tried to hush her as the camera cut to Susanna Reid who was eyes-wide in shock.

Lil and Doris appeared on GMB on Tuesday (Image: ITV)

Meanwhile, Piers found the situation hilarious and burst out laughing.

After the former newspaper editor asked about Lil’s rumoured crush on actor Jason Statham, she replied gleefully: “Oh, one night with him and I would die happy…. mind you I am coming on to you now.”

Part way through the chat, Susanna asked the duo if they had anything they wanted to say to the nation to boost moral during lockdown.

Piers Morgan couldn’t hide his amusement after the twins joked about their sex life (Image: ITV)

After bluntly saying there wasn’t much to be cheery about the audio cut out prompting Susanna to add: “Oh we have had to sensor it.”

It is unknown what was said during the muted part of the chart.

Viewers were loving the pair, with one tweeting: “Identical twins Lil and Doris were like a breath of fresh air on #GMB certainly cheered everyone up. What a pair of lovely ladies. A wonderful tonic in these difficult times.”

Another asked: “Was anybody else watching the twins on Good Morning Britain!? Loved them. I’m sure they have brightened up everyone’s day Rolling on the floor laughing #GMB.”

Getting things back on track, Piers later asked the women what they through of 100 year old Captain Tom who raised over £30 million fro NHS Trust Charities.

Probing as to if they had a soft spot for him, Lil joked: “I want bloody thrilling not killing!”

Good Morning Britain continues weekdays 6.30am on ITV

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