
Loose Women's Andrea McLean forced to step in as cast clash over second lockdown

Loose Women host Andrea McLean was forced to step in to calm down her co-stars as a debate on coronavirus lockdown turned fiery between the panel.

Saira Khan, 50, and Gloria Hunniford, 50, furiously locked horns over the government’s lockdown announcement on Saturday.

Things got so heated between the pair that Andrea, 51, had to intervene to calm them down during the advert break.

Former Apprentice candidate Saira expressed she was very worried about how businesses would be affected by the four-week lockdown in England, which starts on Thursday.

The TV star also pointed out that lockdown will cause problems with mental health.

Saira said: “I’m actually really disappointed.

“The need to keep the nation healthy, you’ve also got to balance that with the need to keep people fed, active and productive.

“I think what we have learnt since the last lockdown in March is that most people have put social distancing in place in the workplace.

Saira later added that she’s backing a campaign called Time For Recovery which argues that “lockdown isn’t the answer”.

She continued: “”If we go to the shops, people’s businesses, manufacturing, they’ve done what the government has said.

“They’re practising social distancing, they’re wearing their masks, they’ve got hand sanitisers everywhere.

“For me, we can’t get rid of this. We have to learn to live with this safely.

“I understand that the government wants to protect the NHS – we cannot protect the NHS and we cannot fund the NHS if people are not working and keeping this economy vibrant.”

During her passionate rant, Saira added that a lot of young people’s futures were being “destroyed” by lockdown and didn’t want it to happen.

Gloria disagreed and believed that a second lockdown is needed for the country.

The Northern Irish presenter said: “I love Saira dearly and I’m sure that many people down the country would agree with many a point she makes and maybe it’s to do with my age, but sometimes I think you cannot balance money against deaths.

“The figures are escalating at an alarming rate and you only have to look at Italy, Germany, Belgium and France to see the hospitals absolutely packed. People in corridors – they can’t deal with it all.”

She added: “And Boris [Johnson] did not want to necessarily go into a national lockdown, but sometimes you have to and these figures are absolutely critical. We have to try and break that circuit they talk about.

“We have to do something. And it horrifies me that 700 young people last night were at a rave in Bristol and so there comes a point where we all, young, middle aged, old, whatever, you take it into your own hands and do something positive.”

Raising her voice, Saira interjected to say that everyone would be paying for furlough for many years to come, to which Gloria asked: “Would you rather people die instead?”

She later said that she “respected Saira as a businesswoman and later accused her of “not having the answer” to coronavirus.

Saria hit back: “I’m not saying I have the answer, I’m giving a different approach and a different opinion – we have to have this balance.”

The debate quickly descended into a shouting match, with both of the panelists shouting over one another.

The ITV daytime later went to a break and when it returned, host Andrea informed viewers: “We’re all friends, it’s all calmed down.”

Loose Women airs weekdays at 12.30pm on ITV

Source: Celebrities -


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