
Bryan Adams once photographed Rod Stewart and Bob Geldof’s daughters fully naked

Bryan Adams once photographed the daughters of his rock star pals Rod Stewart, Ronnie Wood and Bob Geldof completely naked.

That’s right, the Summer of ’69 rock icon isn’t just good for penning and performing hits – he’s also an avid photographer. In 2008, the I Do it for You hitmaker got behind the camera for Tatler magazine to snap pictures of Kimberly Stewart, Leah Wood and Peaches Geldof in the buff.

The magazine revealed back in the day: “Bryan had the idea. A few eyebrows were raised, but Kimberly and Peaches were in. Leah ran in crying, ‘I’ll do it’.”

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Peaches wasn’t the first Geldof to pose for the magazine’s front cover – though she was the first to do it nude. Earlier that year, her sister Pixie had posed up a storm for Tatler, which branded her the “coolest girl in town”, while their late mum Paula Yates appeared on the cover in 1982.

Bryan Adams once photographed rock star daughters naked

On the cover, the trio could be seen wrapped around each other, with any intimate areas covered by bare knees and arms. Leah, who was pregnant at the time of the shoot, posed in the middle, with Kimberly’s leg grasped in her hold as Peaches showed off her tattoos on the opposite side.

The girls were unaware of the tragedy that would later strike, with Peaches sadly found dead at her home just a few years later in 2014. Police found and seized drug paraphernalia at her Kent home, with her dad Bob stating: “We are beyond pain. She was the wildest, funniest, cleverest, wittiest and the most bonkers of all of us. We loved her and will cherish her forever.”

Peaches’ cause of death was listed as opioid intoxication, with no evidence it was deliberate – she had been taking methadone for two and a half years before her tragic passing. Police “exhausted all lines of enquiry” trying to discover who had supplied her with heroin leading up to her death.

The rock icons’ daughters posed totally naked

It comes after Bryan admitted late last year that he’s not getting enough sex – and would much prefer settling down with a cup of tea. He told The Guardian: “My doc says men need sex 27 times a month for a healthy prostate, but who actually gets that?”

A 2017 study from Harvard and Boston medical school researchers says men should ejaculate at least 21 times a month, either solo or with a partner, to decrease the risk of prostate cancer. But given the choice between sex, money or fame, Bryan replied: “Just a cup of tea would be fine.”

Tragedy struck in 2014 when Peaches Geldof was found dead

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Bryan’s naked photography might not even be the most bizarre thing the rocker has done in his lengthy career. Once he even fed Atomic Kitten star Kerry Katona some broccoli. She revealed: “I had this big plate of vegetables in front of me and I didn’t fancy them, but Bryan kept urging me in his fantastic Canadian drawl, ‘Eat them, you have to eat your greens!’

“And then, Bryan Adams fed me broccoli off a fork.” Kerry said there was “nothing sexual or romantic” about the encounter, describing it as a “jokey exchange between two people”.

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