What’s Streaming
BOJACK HORSEMAN Stream on Netflix. After six seasons swilling whiskey and deadpanning, the sweater-wearing title character of this animated Hollywood satire is putting down the reins. The series has followed Bojack, an anthropomorphic horse voiced by Will Arnett, as he navigates a fictional version of Hollywood, where he lives as a has-been 1990s sitcom star. Toward the end of the most recent batch of episodes, he accepted a job at Wesleyan University. How he adjusts to collegiate life will be one of the questions that the final installments — which hit Netflix on Friday — will answer.
TED BUNDY: FALLING FOR A KILLER Stream on Amazon. Those interested in learning just how wicked the serial killer Ted Bundy was have no shortage of Bundy-related programming to choose from — Netflix released both a feature film and a documentary series about him last year — but this Amazon documentary series promises a fresh perspective, looking at his behavior against the backdrop of 1970s feminism. It focuses on the misogyny of Bundy’s crimes, and includes the voices of some of the women affected by them. Those women include Elizabeth Kendall, who in the early 1980s published a book about her relationship with Bundy.
THE PRODIGY (2019) Stream on Amazon and Hulu. Early intelligence comes with a heavy helping of crazy in “The Prodigy,” a horror movie about a gifted youngster who is possessed by the spirit of a serial killer. As he grows up, Miles (Jackson Robert Scott) exhibits increasingly disturbed behavior (one example involves a classmate and a wrench). The plot involves his parents (Taylor Schilling and Peter Mooney) racing to determine what’s wrong with him before things become too dire. It all adds up to “a ho-hum horror movie given a mild boost by its credible performances,” Jeannette Catsoulis wrote in her review for The New York Times.
What’s on TV
SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME (2019) 8 p.m. on Starz. Peter Parker takes a break from New York to web-sling around Venice and London in this most recent “Spider-Man” movie. Parker is, of course, the alter-ego of the nimble Spider-Man, who for the past several years has been played by the British actor Tom Holland. Holland’s version of the hero is a high schooler, and in this movie, he goes on a school vacation to Europe, where his pursuit of love with MJ (Zendaya) is rudely interrupted by a bearded villain played by Jake Gyllenhaal, among other loud things. “As is often the case with these movies, a smaller, livelier entertainment is nested inside the roaring, clanking digital machinery,” A.O Scott wrote in his review for The Times. “The filmmakers try to enliven the big fights and action sequences by injecting a bit of self-consciousness about the illusion-driven craft they pursue, and a few sequences take place in an austere, dreamlike virtual realm where visually interesting things are allowed to happen. For a little while, anyway.”
Source: Television - nytimes.com