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    Kristen Wiig on “Wonder Woman 1984” and Cheetah

    #masthead-section-label, #masthead-bar-one { display: none }The Best of 2020Best ComedyBest TV ShowsBest BooksBest MoviesBest AlbumsAdvertisementContinue reading the main storySupported byContinue reading the main storyKristen Wiig Would Have Said Yes to One Line in ‘Wonder Woman 1984’Getting to play Cheetah was even better for the “Saturday Night Live” star, who loves superhero movies: “It was huge on my list of things I wanted to do.”Told that her performance as the villain recalls her “S.N.L.”  misfits and loners, Wiig said, “They’re all inside me. I don’t know how to get rid of them.”Credit…Mary Ellen Matthews/CPi SyndicationDec. 25, 2020, 7:00 a.m. ET“I want you to know, I dressed up for the interview,” a dryly sarcastic Kristen Wiig said from a computer screen. Clad in a well-worn sweatshirt, she was relating a familiar plight: how a monthslong regimen of video chats and conferences had gradually worn down her efforts to appear presentable on camera.“First you’re fully trying to look normal,” she said Tuesday. “And then you’re only normal from the waist up. And now I’m just like, this is me. I’ve got baby food on me and we just have to accept ourselves.”Wiig had recently returned to Los Angeles, where she lives with her husband, the actor Avi Rothman, and their two young children, after a whirlwind New York trip. She was there to host “Saturday Night Live,” the NBC institution where she was a cast member, playing dozens of endearing eccentrics and likable outsiders.That would be a fitting finale to anyone’s 2020, but Wiig still has one more act: She is a star of “Wonder Woman 1984,” the DC superhero sequel that Warner Bros. will release in theaters and on HBO Max on Friday.This follow-up to the 2017 blockbuster “Wonder Woman,” directed by Patty Jenkins and starring Gal Gadot as the Amazonian champion of the title, might not seem like an obvious fit for Wiig: She is better known for outrageous comedies like “Bridesmaids” (which she acted in and wrote with Annie Mumolo) and melancholy independent films like “The Skeleton Twins” and “Welcome to Me.”Wiig’s Cheetah facing off with Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot).Credit…Warner Bros.But when you look more carefully at her character, it’s not hard to see why Jenkins chose Wiig to play Barbara Minerva, a timid antiquities expert whose desire for acceptance and fascination with her colleague Diana Prince (Wonder Woman’s alter ego) eventually drive her to become the villainous Cheetah. Playing Barbara Minerva lets Wiig trade blows in comic-book action sequences, while also calling upon her finely tuned talents for introversion and extroversion.As Wiig said Tuesday, “I’m excited and equally nervous” to see how viewers will respond to her performance in what’s easily the biggest film of her career.She also spoke about how the role came about, her love of superhero movies and her new life as a mother of twins who were born earlier this year. These are edited excerpts from that conversation.Before “Wonder Woman 1984,” did you ever imagine yourself playing a villain in a comic-book blockbuster or aspire to play one?It was an aspiration, for sure. It was huge on my list of things I wanted to do. I love big action movies and I love superhero movies. I loved all of Chris Nolan’s Batman movies and all the “Avengers” movies, “Deadpool” — you name it, I’ve seen it. I saw “Wonder Woman” in the theater when it opened, and when she came over that trench, the crowd was cheering. And it was a female superhero, so I got really emotional about it.You’ve made a lot of idiosyncratic independent movies, too. Is it now impossible for you to go back to that world?I don’t know if I could say I only want to make a certain type of movie. I’ve done movies with literally no budget and the dialogue was all improvised, like “Nasty Baby,” which I made in Brooklyn with my friends. I always tell myself I want to be happy when I show up on set, and I say yes to things I want to do.Wiig and Tunde Adebimpe in the indie “Nasty Baby.”Credit…The OrchardWiig, opposite Rose Byrne, in her big-screen breakout role in “Bridesmaids,” which she also co-wrote. Credit…Suzanne Hanover/Universal PicturesHow did you find out that you were being considered for “Wonder Woman 1984”?I got a call from my agent that Patty Jenkins wanted to talk to me. And I was like, just tell her yes, no matter what it is. I was hoping it was a “Wonder Woman” thing, but I didn’t know anything about it. I didn’t know if I would have one line — if she wanted me to be the crazy neighbor next door that’s like, “Goodbye, Diana!”Did your feelings change when you learned she was considering you to play Barbara Minerva?I knew about Cheetah, but there are so many different versions of that character and I was curious as to what she was going to be. But when I heard Patty’s ideas, I understood a little bit more why she thought of me. Maybe because Barbara’s really awkward in the beginning — I do have that side to me. And then after I got the part, she got into more detail of who Barbara was.What interested you about the role at that stage?I always love bad guys that you’re rooting for a little bit, where you understand why they’re bad. The thing that I loved about her is that there’s always Barbara in there. Even when she fully becomes Cheetah, you can see Barbara in there and Diana can see Barbara in there. I loved that conflict that it puts her in, and puts the audience in, because she’s so likable and nervous and insecure. We all have moments where we’ve felt like Barbara before.Is it pigeonholing you if I say that I saw flashes of some of your best-known “S.N.L.” characters — uncomfortable loners like Penelope and larger-than-life misfits like Target Lady — in your performance?I mean, they’re all inside me. I don’t know how to get rid of them. [Laughs]The Target Lady (with Justin Timberlake) is one of the comedian’s many “S.N.L.” characters.Credit…Dana Edelson/NBCAre the introverted characters just natural extensions of yourself?On “S.N.L.,” I have to find in me, what does insecurity feel like? And then take it to a 10 or 11. But whether I’m doing a character on “S.N.L.” or in “Wonder Woman,” I have to find what I think that is in me. There’s definitely characters I’ve played where I don’t have anything in common with them, and I still have to figure out how to get there in an authentic way.Do people expect you to be big and boisterous in real life because they’ve seen you play those kinds of characters before?Oh yeah, all the time. When people know you are an actor, period, they think you’re going to tell this amazing story of what happened to you on the way to dinner and it’s going to be captivating. Add the fact that I’m known for doing mostly comedy and it’s like, “OK, where are the voices?” I’m not going to do characters right now. It’s assumed that acting is an extroverted thing. But it’s not, necessarily.So where do you find those qualities in yourself when you’re playing those kinds of roles?It depends on the character, but once I’m doing it — especially on “S.N.L.,” because it’s live and you have millions of people watching — you just get in a zone. And then afterward you snap out of it. It’s funny because even though Barbara in the beginning is nervous and unsure of herself, I found it harder to play that than who she becomes later.Why was that harder?Because I was resistant, at the beginning, to add humor to her. I didn’t want her to seem too much like things I had done before, or to seem like I wasn’t able to do this part without adding something that wasn’t Kristen. But Patty and I had this one talk that completely shifted my brain, where she was like, if you allow yourself to just let that humor come out, it’s going to feel authentic and it’s not going to feel as strange as you think it does. And it completely changed my experience. When Cheetah is evil, it’s like, OK, now I’m this person. Maybe because there is more of me in Barbara, I actually had a more challenging time with that part of the shooting.Was there physical training for this role?[Exhales audibly] Yesss. Almost two months before we started shooting, I got a trainer — the movie wanted me to, just to get started. When you watch the movie, we learned and did all of those fight sequences, in addition to our stunt people. There’s definitely some C.G.I. elements later on, but for the most part it’s wire work. That’s all real people. I was basically sore for like nine months. And it’s very easy to complain and say, oh my God, I can’t even walk up the stairs. But to be honest, being stronger was so helpful, to get into who this character was. It just made me feel really good.[The next few questions contain mild spoilers for “Wonder Woman 1984.”]There’s a scene where Barbara, just starting to come into her powers, enters a party and is delighted to find she’s the center of everyone’s attention. Was that as enjoyable for you to make as it is for her to experience, or do you feel the glare of the spotlight even more?It’s a combination of both. The set was really amazing and whenever you’re in a scene with a lot of background [actors] looking at you, you can’t help but feel a little more self-conscious. But it was the part in the story where Barbara’s really starting to turn and feel it. She probably went to those parties before feeling so invisible. And this is different for her — her life is changing. So that was really fun to play.Wiig as the newly empowered Barbara at a party in “Wonder Woman 1984.”Credit…Clay Enos/Warner Bros.There’s another sequence where, in classic comic-book fashion, Barbara gets to take revenge on a scummy guy who harassed her in an earlier scene. Was that satisfying to make?I loved shooting that scene. Barbara is so sad and has always wanted this other life, and with that comes so much anger that she didn’t even realize she had. And to see her be able to just unleash it, and be like, “Oh, I like how this tastes — I’m going to keep going,” it was really fun to shoot that. I like how it wasn’t just a random person that was robbing someone in an alleyway. As a viewer, you’re a little conflicted — you’re like, oh, I like that she’s doing this to this guy. But then she goes too far. We have to acknowledge that. I’m not condoning it.Is it possible that Barbara doesn’t just want to be Diana’s equal or superior, but that she’s attracted to Diana?Like, attracted attracted? I’ve heard people suggest that. As far as my intentions in how I was playing it, it was really just her seeing Diana as the beautiful, popular girl that has the best life and everything I don’t have. There’s so much admiration there. But if people want to see it that way, it’s definitely up for interpretation.[Spoilers end here.]Warner Brothers’ decision to make “Wonder Woman 1984” and other coming movies immediately available on HBO Max has elicited a wide range of reactions from filmmakers, talent and audiences. How do you feel about it?It’s a complicated question. We’re all still mourning the whole theater experience and it’s hitting a lot of people. But I will say I didn’t personally feel comfortable telling people to go out if it’s not safe, and I’m happy that people can watch it now without worrying about their health. It’s really complicated and no one’s winning right now. But it being out on Christmas and knowing that people get to watch it and be safe is the best scenario, if it has to be this way.Are there any lessons you can take from a movie of this scale and apply to your smaller, more intimate comedy and drama performances?Yes — going into a role and being nervous is probably normal for most actors. It is for me. But when it’s over, that feeling that you did it, it just makes you feel like you can take more risks on the next thing you do. There were definitely times where I was very self-aware of just how big the role was. Truthfully, I don’t go on the internet, but I know there were people that were, like, surprised that I was playing this role. That can get in your head, even though I try not to read any of that. But ultimately I do want to take more risks and I think it’s important for me to feel that nervousness when I’m doing stuff. It makes me find something deep inside that I didn’t know was there.How are you finding motherhood so far?It’s great. Great isn’t even the word — it’s better than great. It’s strange that it’s all in quarantine. That’s a huge negative side to it, because we obviously can’t do anything or go anywhere or see certain family members. But they’re amazing and I’ve never been happier in my whole life. I’m such a homebody. I’m happy to be with them all day. Obviously not under these circumstances, but I love being home with them.What are you hoping to get for Christmas this year?I would love a nice, framed photo of me and my husband and my kids. It would just be a nice thing to have. And maybe some good moisturizer.Now that you’re a mom, is everyone going to get you a robe for Christmas?[Laughs] I hope not!AdvertisementContinue reading the main story More

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    Highly-Anticipated Movies in 2021

    Hollywood studios have a bunch of potential blockbusters and tentpoles lined up for next year in hopes of bringing back the industry to life after COVID-19 lockdown shut down the business.

    Dec 25, 2020
    AceShowbiz – After months long of being confined in home and restricted to many leisure activities as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, many can’t wait to jump start 2021 in the hopes of opening a new chapter that will be filled with more positive things than what has been happening in the past 12 months. For movie lovers, one of the things to look forward to in the new year is being able to go back to theaters without having to worry about their safety to watch movies they have been highly-anticipating.
    Finger-crossed that the said wish will come true, Hollywood studios are lining up a bunch of potential blockbusters and tentpoles that are expected to bring back the industry to life after COVID-19 lockdown basically shut down the business. Though the coronavirus outbreak has halted shootings of some projects, fans can rest assured that these production houses still have a bunch of exciting pics to offer. Additionally, with several films that were initially scheduled for 2020 having been pushed back to next year, there are more than enough options for fans to choose from.
    Having been discussed and developed even several years before they will finally arrive, some of the movies have gained mass of eagerly-awaiting fans. If you’re already struggling to decide which ones to watch when the time comes, or you haven’t caught up with what are up in the sleeve for next year, AceShowbiz has prepared a guide to highly-anticipated movies in 2021 below.

    Universal Pictures/WENN/Nigel Cornell

    For the past few months, whether or not “No Time to Die” will actually be released has been the question that many were wondering to know the answer. Well, the wait may finally be over next spring when the new 007 movie is unleashed in theaters. Bringing back Bond from his retirement, the pic will also introduce a slew of new characters, including a mysterious foe played by Rami Malek and a female “00” agent, portrayed by Lashana Lynch, who was supposed to replace Bond in MI6. Once again billed as the last one starring Daniel Craig, it will give fans another chance to bid farewell to his version of the British spy.
    Entering summer, a new installment from another beloved franchise is ready to treat its loyal fans. After being pushed aside due to the development of the spin-off, “Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw”, “F9” will reunite the Dominic Toretto (Vin Diesel)-led gang that people have been missed so much. Giving another reason not to miss the movie, this will be the third to last film in the franchise, which is planned to end with an 11th installment. The sentimental touch aside, “F9” is promised to present the suspense that has been in the vein of the film series since the beginning.
    Still speaking of movie with high-octane action sequences, Tom Cruise has been hard at work to make sure “Mission: Impossible VII” remains on track for its July release. Already teased with leaked behind-the-scenes photos and footage were some death-defying stunts that the lead actor/producer was directly involved in the filming. With the high stakes that the cast and crew are willing to risk and the big budget prepared for the production amid the pandemic, the next “M:I” movie is guaranteed to not disappoint moviegoers.
    Other action, thriller movies to be released in 2021: “The King’s Man” (Feb. 12), “Top Gun: Maverick” (Jul. 2), “The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard” (Aug. 20), “Snake Eyes” (Oct. 22) and many more

    Sony Pictures/Warner Bros. Pictures/Walt Disney Pi

    Superhero and comic book adaptations have been major attraction to theaters in the last decade and that excitement will hopefully return when some titles from MCU and DCEU are coming to big screen in 2021. “Morbius”, based on another Marvel character, is one of them. Developed as part of Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters, it is likely to take gritty and dark route in the vein of “Venom”. With Daniel Espinosa at the helm and Jared Leto as the title character, it is expected to be the first of a new successful franchise for the studio.
    Meanwhile, Warner Bros. is still putting so much hope on a popular DC Comics character, Batman. Once again rebooted with Robert Pattinson taking on the mantle, “The Batman” explores the early year of the Caped Crusader as the protector of Gotham City. Doubts were cast on the actor’s casting due to his past portfolio that didn’t support the genre, but he has appeared to show his seriousness in transforming into Bruce Wayne, citing Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans as his inspirations. With Matt Reeves, who has built his reputation with sci-fi films like “Cloverfield” and the “Apes” movies, as director, this new Batman movie seems to have a solid case to bring the superhero back to its glory.
    Elsewhere at Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige is launching a new franchise as part of Phase Four of the MCU with “The Eternals”, which features a superhero ensemble. Boasting a star-studded cast that includes Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Lauren Ridloff, Brian Tyree Henry, Salma Hayek, Lia McHugh and Don Lee (Ma Dong Seok) among others, it doesn’t only show the studio’s commitment to race diversity, but also the inclusion of LGBTQ characters.
    Other superhero movies and comic book adaptations to be released in 2021: “Black Widow” (May 7), “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” (Jul. 9), “The Suicide Squad” (Aug. 6), Untitled Spider-Man 3 Movie (Dec. 17)

    Warner Bros. Pictures/Walt Disney Pictures/Legenda

    Having been long plotted with each character earlier being introduced in its own solo movies, two of the earth’s fictional mightiest monsters are set to face off against one another in “Godzilla vs. Kong”. Being delayed from its planned November 2020 release due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the showdown will finally be happening in the summer of 2021, bringing bigger catastrophe than what has been witnessed in the Godzilla and King Kong films. To make the battle fair, King Kong appears to have gone through a massive growth spurt since he wasn’t an adult yet in “Kong: Skull Island”.
    From the studio that has brought to audience the “Pirates of the Caribbean” film franchise before, comes a new film based on another Walt Disney’s theme park attraction of the same name. “Jungle Cruise” pairs Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson with Emily Blunt as the main characters, who are on a mission into a jungle to find the Tree of Life which is believed to possess healing powers. With Jaume Collet-Serra, who are known for his works on horror and action films like “Orphan” and “Unknown”, serving as director, it’s interesting to see the direction he’s taking for this Disney movie.
    Another movie postponed from 2020, “Dune” is the first of a planned two-part adaptation of the 1965 sci-fi novel of the same name by Frank Herbert. The sneak peeks have teased the stunning visuals to represent fictional planet Arrakis, while the ensemble cast features Timothee Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson (II), Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Stellan Skarsgard, Dave Bautista, Javier Bardem and Jason Momoa just to name a few. Showing its vote of confidence with the franchise, Legendary has been developing a spin-off series that will focus on the Bene Gesserit and serve as a prequel to the film.
    Other adventure, fantasy and sci-fi movies to be released in 2021: “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” (Jun. 11), “Uncharted” (Jul. 16)

    4. HORROR
    Paramount Pictures/MGM/Universal Pictures

    If spooky is your definition of interesting, then here are a few options of films to watch that will meet your satisfaction. Following the success of 2018’s “A Quiet Place”, a sequel is a no-brainer. While the anticipation was high, the wait for “A Quiet Place: Part II” has been prolonged due to the delay caused by the pandemic. Still with John Krasinski at the helm, it follows the Abbotts who must now face the terrors of the outside world as they continue their fight for survival in silence. Amping up the suspense, it brings new major threats in the form of new creatures that lurk beyond the sand path.
    While a “A Quiet Place” franchise is bringing an unknown world to moviegoers, fans of horror films must be already familiar with “Candyman”. The lore, which is based on the short story “The Forbidden” by Clive Barker, was first brought to life in 1992, with the upcoming movie being billed as a direct sequel. The previously-released trailer hints at a psychological twist in the plot that centers on a visual artist exploring the ghost story about a supernatural killer that is summoned by repeating his name five times into a mirror. With a screenplay written by Jordan Peele, it will hopefully bring justice to the underrated original movie.
    Coming the pumpkin festival, a fictional serial killer is back terrorizing in “Halloween Kills”. Developed following the critical and financial success of 2018’s “Halloween”, the the twelfth installment in the horror franchise once again pits Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) against her relentless chaser Michael Myers, portrayed by James Jude Courtney and Nick Castle. As majority of the film had been completed before its original planned release last October, producer Jason Blum claimed to have watched it and gushed in March, “I just saw ‘Halloween Kills’. It was So good. So good. It’s intense. It’s huge. It really feels really big.”
    Other horror movies to be released in 2021: “The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It” (Jun. 4), “Spiral” (May 21)

    Walt Disney Pictures/MGM/20th Century Fox

    Being faint-hearted is not a reason to avoid going to theaters altogether as there is also a bunch of selections for the gentle soul. “Cruella” is one of this kind of spectacles that will help people come to understanding of how Cruella de Vil, the wicked villain in 1996’s “101 Dalmatians”, turned into the ruthless and terrifying legend she is known today. With Craig Gillespie, who was behind awards-winning movie “I, Tonya” as director, “Cruella” is likely more than just a family movie that is easy to watch.
    Also seeing the formative years of a well-known figure, “Respect” is a biographical drama film based on the life of real singer Aretha Franklin. Oscar winner and singer Jennifer Hudson is taking on the lead role, having proven her singing prowess that hopefully will bring justice to the reenactment of the late Queen of Soul’s musical performances. Not only depicting her journey to stardom, but it will also explore her interpersonal relationships, most notably how her abusive husband and autocratic father helped inspire and shape her epochal music.
    In addition to those two films mentioned above, there is “West Side Story” for those looking for something more romantic. Directed by prolific and awards-winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg who doesn’t need further introduction, its screenplay is expected to hew more closely to the 1957 Broadway musical of the same name than to previous film adaptation, which was released in 1961. Starring Ansel Elgort and Rachel Zegler as the film’s leads, the musical drama is a new take on a star-crossed love story set in 1950s New York City.
    Other drama movies to be released in 2021: “Cinderella” (Feb. 5), “Marry Me” (Feb. 12), “Newark” (Mar. 12), “King Richard” (Nov. 19)

    Warner Bros. Pictures/Walt Disney Pictures/Univers

    Who doesn’t know “Tom & Jerry”? After decades of being the central characters in the truest depiction of cat-and-mouse game, these longtime foes are getting their second only feature film adaptation. The upcoming movie makes use of the advanced technology and combines live-action footage with computer-animated graphics to present a more realistic look at the slapstick humor as the result of the title characters’ mischief. The story follows Jerry taking up residence in a hotel as Tom is hired to keep him from ruining an important wedding, with Chloe Moretz, Colin Jost, Rob Delaney and Ken Jeong among the voice cast.
    Never one to be left behind when it comes to a family entertainment, Walt Disney Pictures has prepared its own animated movie for 2021, “Raya and the Last Dragon”. Coming from the studio that has brought to viewers critically-acclaimed films like “Moana”, “Frozen (2013)” and many more, this upcoming original film is promised to deliver inspirational message about bravery and trust in humankind with a story about a warrior princess and the last dragon.
    In a slightly different approach than those two films mentioned above, “The Boss Baby: Family Business” is an animated comedy family film that also offers adult humor. Though critics were divided over the first film’s confusing tone, 2017’s “The Boss Baby” that featured the voice of Alec Baldwin proved that its cutting-edge wits catered to not only kids, but also adults. The sequel will find The Templeton brothers becoming adults and being drifted away from each other.
    Other comedy and family movies to be released in 2021: “Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway” (Jan. 15), “Minions: The Rise of Gru” (Jul. 2), “Space Jam: A New Legacy” (Jul. 16), “Hotel Transylvania 4” (Aug. 6), “Paw Patrol: The Movie” (Aug. 20) and “The Addams Family 2” (Oct. 8)

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    Pedro Pascal's Idea of 'Polished' 'Wonder Woman 1984' Villain Rejected by Patty Jenkins

    WENN/Adriana M. Barraza

    The ‘Game of Thrones’ alum reveals he initially thought Michael Douglas’ classic “Wall Street” character Gordon Gekko would be the perfect inspiration for his Max Lord, but the director didn’t want the baddie to be so polished.

    Dec 25, 2020
    AceShowbiz – Pedro Pascal had to ditch plans to base his new “Wonder Woman 1984” villain on Michael Douglas’ classic “Wall Street” character, because director Patty Jenkins didn’t want his baddie to be so polished.
    The former “Game of Thrones” star initially thought cold and calculating businessman Gordon Gekko in his power suit would be the perfect character to draw inspiration from for his Max Lord, but he was forced to abandon that idea after a chat with Jenkins.
    “She pulled me away from that,” Pascal explained to The Associated Press. “She was like, ‘That’s not the polish that we’re after.’ ”
    Instead, Jenkins steered him in a slightly different direction, and the actor ended up loving that take on Lord, a minor TV personality and aspiring oil tycoon. “What we went after was so much more unpredictable and exposed,” he said.

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    “The thing that would ultimately anchor me to him was far more vulnerable than what a Gordon Gekko-type would be.”
    In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Pascal weighed in on what he thinks his character’s perception of his himself. “I think that he strives to see himself as a part of an ideal, and in a way that so many of us do.”
    He continued, “Whether it’s the perfect body on Instagram or just like the perfect day expressed on Facebook, the perfect job, the perfect life, ‘living my best life,’ whatever version of that — which I think in the era that WW1984 takes place is pretty clear to us, that kind of unbridled excess, a very specific definition of success and whatever the quote-unquote American dream is,” he shared. “I think that he strives to be seen that way, is desperate to see himself that way, and is unwilling to see himself for who or what he really is.”
    “Wonder Woman 1984”, which stars Gal Gadot as the titular superhero, premieres in U.S. theatres and on streaming service HBO Max on Christmas Day (December 25). It was pushed back from its planned June 5 release due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    Christopher Nolan Came Up With Idea for 'Tenet' While Making 'Memento'

    Warner Bros.

    The director of ‘The Dark Knight’ trilogy reveals he developed story for his latest time-bending movie from an idea he came up with during the making of his 2000 movie.

    Dec 25, 2020
    AceShowbiz – Filmmaker Christopher Nolan first came up with the idea for “Tenet” while making “Memento” 20 years ago.
    The director has always been interested in exploring metaphysical themes in his work, and in his summer blockbuster “Tenet”, John David Washington stars as a secret agent who has to embark on a time-bending mission to prevent World War III.
    However, Nolan reveals the initial kernel of the idea came to him two decades ago as he worked on psychological thriller “Memento” with Guy Pearce.

      See also…

    “I had this notion of just a bullet getting sucked out of the wall and into the barrel of a gun,” he told Complex, explaining the inspiration behind his use of time inversion in the opening scenes of the 2000 movie.
    “It’s an image that I had in Memento to demonstrate the structure of that movie, but I always harboured this ambition to make a film where the characters had to deal with the physical reality of that.”
    “In a way, an idea comes to the fore when the time is right for it, and it’s a hard process to quantify, so I was doing all these other things. There are things that you learn how to make and everything in Tenet, interestingly, on the surface of it, they’re all versions of action or particular ways of filming things that I’ve tried before in a different form. You’re building on what you’ve done in the past.”
    “Tenet” which surpassed $200 million at global box office has debuted at the top of the final U.K.’s Official Film Chart of 2020. The film notched up 149,000 sales across disc and digital to outsell the rest of the top five combined.

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    Paul Bettany Hides Gift From 'A Knight's Tale' Director in Basement and Never Opens It


    The Vision depicter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe reveals the unusual ‘gift’ he received from director Brian Helgeland after they were done filming their 2001 movie.

    Dec 25, 2020
    AceShowbiz – Paul Bettany received his “penis back” at the end of filming “A Knight’s Tale”.
    The British actor stripped for his role in the 2001 movie and director Brian Helgeland marked the end of the shoot by presenting his leading man with a reel of film featuring all the outtakes of shots of him in the nude.
    Paul said, “(My best wrap gift was from) Brian Helgeland. Because of the absence of any (modesty) sock, there were lots and lots of strips of film that got cut that had… well, he gave me my penis back is essentially what happened.”
    “He gave me a reel of film that I have never opened but I still have in my basement, that is every frame of my penis cut from A Knight’s Tale.”
    Paul only shot the scene without any form of covering because the alternative he was offered was even more embarrassing than walking around naked.
    Discussing his most memorable on set moment, he said, “Walking down a road with no clothes on in A Knight’s Tale still holds the trophy.”

      See also…

    “It was like someone’s anxiety dream. I remember, the dresser came in my trailer with a Day-Glo sock.”
    “I’m really nervous about having to shoot this scene, but the one thing that could be more humiliating than being naked and walking down a street is being naked but for a Day-glo sock. So I chose to go sans sock.”
    “The Avengers” star – who has two children with his actress wife Jennifer Connelly – admitted he is “very bad” about stealing from film sets, but the first time he did it was for a purpose that served him well.
    He explained to Total Film magazine, “I started off well and nicked all the suits from Gangster No. 1 because I couldn’t afford suits. I was able to audition in them for years!”
    And more recently, he took home a replica of his head made for his role as Vision in the Marvel movie, much to his wife’s disgust.
    He said, “My wife hates it, so she keeps hiding it, but I always find it and put it back. It is pretty creepy. It’s like some bodiless spectral apparition. You walk into the room and go, ‘Ah!’ ”

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    'Die Hard' Stars Bruce Willis and Bonnie Bedelia Top 2020 Holiday Movie Couples Poll

    20th Century Fox

    The John McClane depicter and his onscreen wife are ranked first as the favorite movie couple this year in a new poll, beating onscreen couples in rom-com movies.

    Dec 25, 2020
    AceShowbiz – “Die Hard” stars Bruce Willis and Bonnie Bedelia have topped a new poll to find the top holiday movie couples.
    Over 2,000 film fans took part in Fandango’s new survey for Vudu, and Bruce’s John McClane and his estranged wife, Holly, have come out on top, beating “It’s a Wonderful Life” pair James Stewart and Donna Reed.
    “Die Hard” is not your traditional Christmas classic, but it has become a holiday favourite in recent years – and it appears fans love to watch the McClanes find love again during a terrorist takeover of a Los Angeles highrise.

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    “Throughout this challenging holiday season, many couples have faced hard times and feel that the sparks between Bruce & Bonnie in Die Hard ignite the ultimate big screen love affair,” Fandango managing editor Erik Davis says. “In my opinion, Die Hard is the epic Christmas romance for our crazy, unpredictable times.”
    Meanwhile, Kate Winslet and Jack Black’s friendship in “The Holiday” wraps up the top three, while their co-stars, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law, also make the top 10 at 10.
    The full top 10 is:
    Bonnie Bedelia & Bruce Willis (“Die Hard”)
    Donna Reed & James Stewart (“It’s a Wonderful Life”)
    Kate Winslet & Jack Black (“The Holiday”)
    Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks (“Sleepless in Seattle” and “You’ve Got Mail”)
    Meg Ryan & Billy Crystal (“When Harry Met Sally”)
    Queen Latifah and LL Cool J (“Last Holiday”)
    Martine McCutcheon & Hugh Grant (“Love, Actually”)
    Monica Calhoun & Morris Chestnut (“The Best Man Holiday”)
    Cate Blanchett & Rooney Mara (“Carol”)
    Cameron Diaz & Jude Law (“The Holiday”)

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    'Mad Max' Prequel Scheduled for 2023 Release

    Warner Bros. Pictures

    The upcoming movie that is expected to focus on a young Furiosa before she teamed up with Max Rockatansky in the ‘Fury Road’ has been set for summer 2023 release.

    Dec 25, 2020
    AceShowbiz – The “Mad Max” prequel, starring “The Queen’s Gambit” star Anya Taylor-Joy, is set to be released on June 23, 2023.
    George Miller’s new movie, which will focus on the character of Furiosa, has had a release date scheduled by Warner Bros.
    Anya-Taylor Joy will play the lead role in the upcoming film, which tracks the story of of Imperator Furiosa before she teamed up with Max Rockatansky in “Mad Max: Fury Road”.
    The 24-year-old actress has taken over the part from Charlize Theron, who portrayed Furiosa in 2015’s “Mad Max: Fury Road” – the movie that revived the action franchise in which Tom Hardy replaced Mel Gibson in the role of Max.
    Chris Hemsworth and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II have also been cast as the characters of Dementus and Pretorian respectively.

      See also…

    George is producing the film with long-term partner Doug Mitchell and has penned the script with “Fury Road” co-writer Nico Lathouris.
    Anya recently explained how she is desperate to do her own stunts in the movie.
    The “Peaky Blinders” star said, “I’ve never wanted to do anything halfway and I have been looking forward to a role like this for my whole life. So yes, I will be doing as much as I can physically do.”
    Miller admitted he felt it was necessary to cast a younger actress in the flick as he did not feel the technology was good enough to de-age Charlize.
    The 75-year-old director said, “For the longest time, I thought we could just use CG de-ageing on Charlize, but I don’t think we’re nearly there yet.”
    “Despite the valiant attempts on The Irishman, I think there’s still an uncanny valley. Everyone is on the verge of solving it, particularly Japanese video-game designers, but there’s still a pretty wide valley, I believe.”

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    An Oscar Winner Made a Khashoggi Documentary. Streaming Services Didn’t Want It.

    #masthead-section-label, #masthead-bar-one { display: none }What to WatchBest Movies on NetflixBest of Disney PlusBest of Amazon PrimeHoliday TVBest Netflix DocumentariesBryan Fogel is known for his Academy Award-winning documentary film, “Icarus.”Credit…Coley Brown for The New York TimesSkip to contentSkip to site indexAn Oscar Winner Made a Khashoggi Documentary. Streaming Services Didn’t Want It.Bryan Fogel’s examination of the killing of the Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi had trouble finding a home among the companies that can be premier platforms for documentary films.Bryan Fogel is known for his Academy Award-winning documentary film, “Icarus.”Credit…Coley Brown for The New York TimesSupported byContinue reading the main storyDec. 24, 2020Updated 5:58 p.m. ETBryan Fogel’s first documentary, “Icarus,” helped uncover the Russian doping scandal that led to the country’s expulsion from the 2018 Winter Olympics. It also won an Oscar for him and for Netflix, which released the film.For his second project, he chose another subject with global interest: the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi Arabian dissident and Washington Post columnist, and the role that the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, played in it.A film by an Oscar-winning filmmaker would normally garner plenty of attention from streaming services, which have used documentaries and niche movies to attract subscribers and earn awards. Instead, when Mr. Fogel’s film, “The Dissident,” was finally able to find a distributor after eight months, it was with an independent company that had no streaming platform and a much narrower reach.“These global media companies are no longer just thinking, ‘How is this going to play for U.S. audiences?’” Mr. Fogel said. “They are asking: ‘What if I put this film out in Egypt? What happens if I release it in China, Russia, Pakistan, India?’ All these factors are coming into play, and it’s getting in the way of stories like this.”“The Dissident” will now open in 150 to 200 theaters across the country on Christmas Day and then become available for purchase on premium video-on-demand channels on Jan. 8. (Original plans called for an 800-theater release in October, but those were scaled back because of the pandemic.) Internationally, the film will be released in Britain, Australia, Italy, Turkey and other European nations through a network of distributors.It is a far cry from the potential audience it would have been able to reach through a service like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, and Mr. Fogel said he believed it was also a sign of how these platforms — increasingly powerful in the world of documentary film — were in the business of expanding their subscriber bases, not necessarily turning a spotlight on the excesses of the powerful.For his film, Mr. Fogel interviewed Mr. Khashoggi’s fiancée, Hatice Cengiz, who waited outside the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul in 2018 while the murder took place; The Washington Post’s publisher, Fred Ryan; and multiple members of the Turkish police force. He secured a 37-page transcript made from a recording of what happened in the room where Mr. Khashoggi was suffocated and dismembered. He also spent a significant amount of time with Omar Abdulaziz, a young dissident in exile in Montreal who had worked with Mr. Khashoggi to combat the way the Saudi Arabian government used Twitter to try to discredit opposing voices and criticism of the kingdom.“The Dissident” landed a coveted spot at the Sundance Film Festival in January. The Hollywood Reporter called it “vigorous, deep and comprehensive,” while Variety said it was “a documentary thriller of staggering relevance.” Hillary Clinton, who was at Sundance for a documentary about her, urged people to see the film, saying in an onstage interview that it does “a chillingly effective job of demonstrating the swarm that social media can be.”Jamal Khashoggi, with glasses, was killed after entering the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul in 2018.Credit…Briarcliff EntertainmentThe only thing left was for Mr. Fogel to secure a sale to a prominent streaming platform, one that could amplify the film’s findings, as Netflix did with “Icarus.” When “Dissident” finally found a distributor in September, it was the independent company Briarcliff Entertainment.Mr. Fogel said he had made Netflix aware of his film while it was in production and again months later when it was accepted into Sundance. “I expressed to them how excited I was for them to see it,” he said. “I heard nothing back.”“The Dissident” features interviews with Mr. Khashoggi’s fiancée, Hatice Cengiz.Credit…Briarcliff EntertainmentReed Hastings, the chief executive of Netflix, was at the film’s Sundance premiere, but the company did not bid on the film. “While disappointed, I wasn’t shocked,” Mr. Fogel said.Netflix declined to comment, though a spokeswoman, Emily Feingold, pointed to a handful of political documentaries the service recently produced, including 2019’s “Edge of Democracy,” about the rise of the authoritarian leader Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil.Amazon Studios also declined to bid. Footage of Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s chief executive, who privately owns The Washington Post, is shown in the film. Amazon did not respond to a request for comment.Fox Searchlight, now owned by Disney, didn’t bid. Neither did the independent distributor Neon, which was behind last year’s Oscar-winning best picture, “Parasite,” and often acquires challenging content.“What I observed was that the desire for corporate profits have left the integrity of America’s film culture weakened,” said Thor Halvorssen, the founder and chief executive of the nonprofit Human Rights Foundation, who financed the film and served as a producer.Documentaries are not normally big box-office draws, so they have traditionally found their audiences in other places. PBS has long been a platform for prominent documentaries, but the rise of streaming has made companies like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu very important to the genre. As those companies have grown, their business needs have changed.Mr. Fogel said Netflix had changed since it distributed “Icarus” in 2017.Credit…Coley Brown for The New York Times“This is unquestionably political,” said Stephen Galloway, dean of Chapman University’s film school. “It’s disappointing, but these are gigantic companies in a death race for survival.”He added: “You think Disney would do anything different with Disney+? Would Apple or any of the megacorporations? They have economic imperatives that are hard to ignore, and they have to balance them with issues of free speech.”“The Dissident” is not the only political documentary that has failed to secure a home on a streaming service. This year, Magnolia Pictures, which has a streaming deal with Disney-owned Hulu, backed out of a deal with the makers of the documentary “The Assassins,” which tells the story of the poisoning of Kim Jong-nam, the half brother of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.The film’s director, Ryan White, referred to the 2014 hack of Sony Pictures in an interview with Variety, and chalked up the “bumpy road” of U.S. distribution to corporations feeling they “could be hacked in a way that could be devastating to them or their bottom line.”Netflix was eager to have “Icarus” several years ago, buying the film for $5 million after it debuted at Sundance in 2017. “Fogel’s incredible risk-taking has delivered an absorbing real-life thriller that continues to have global reverberations,” Lisa Nishimura, who was Netflix’s vice president of original documentaries, said in a statement at the time.Mr. Fogel wonders if the company would be as excited about that film now.In the film, Omar Abdulaziz, a Saudi dissident, details how he says the kingdom uses social media to silence critics.Credit…Briarcliff Entertainment“When ‘Icarus’ came out, they had 100 million subscribers,” he said. (Netflix currently has 195 million subscribers worldwide.) “And they were in the hunt to get David Fincher to do movies with them, to get Martin Scorsese to do movies with them, to get Alfonso Cuarón to do movies with them. That’s why it was so important that they had a film they could win an award with.”In January 2019, Netflix pulled an episode of the comedian Hasan Minhaj’s series, “Patriot Act,” when he criticized Prince Mohammed after Mr. Khashoggi’s death. Mr. Hastings later defended the move, saying: “We’re not trying to do ‘truth to power.’ We’re trying to entertain.”In November, Netflix signed an eight-picture film deal with the Saudi Arabian studio Telfaz11 to produce movies that it said “will aim for broad appeal across both Arab and global audiences.”The outcome for “The Dissident” has not been ideal, but Mr. Fogel is still hoping that people will see the film.“I love Netflix and considered myself part of the Netflix family after our wonderful experience with ‘Icarus,’” he said. “Sadly, they are not the same company as a few years ago when they passionately stood up to Russia and Putin.”AdvertisementContinue reading the main story More