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    Interview: A Simple Question? Or Maybe Not So Simple?

    Who You Are and What You Do, Bread and Roses. 22 March – 2 April

    It’s easy to miss the Bread and Roses Theatre if you aren’t looking for it, tucked away as it is off the busier roads around Clapham. But for anyone who has had the pleasure of going, it is an absolute treat. This pub theatre is another amazing place to find fresh new work, brilliant new ideas and quite possibly the stars of the future. So we are always more than pleased to find time to catch up with them and find out what they are up to next.

    And right now, what they are up to is getting ready to bring us Who Are you and What You Do, a play that asks ‘are we defined by our actions, or the lessons we learn from them?’ Presented as a tableaux of interweaving stories about the social pressure to be happy all of the time, each night sees the play run in a different order.

    We caught up with the play’s writer, Hugh Dichmont (HD), director Tom Ward (TW) and producer from the in-house team at Bread and Roses, Natalie Chan (NC) to find out more.

    So what can you tell us about the play?

    NC: Who You Are and What You Do presents a tableaux of interweaving stories about the social pressure to be happy all of the time. There are stories about love, family relationships, the jobs that we do and the joys and pressures it gives us, conflict, resolving conflict, and how those different elements of our life insect.

    The play is made up of interweaving stories, which are played in a different order each night – doesn’t that risk affecting the flow of the whole evening?

    HD: For sure the actors have a challenge on their hands! But I love writing plays that do that… and the performers seem to love it too. Even without knowing about the switching order, I think our audience will see a stage of actors pushing themselves, excited to be discovering the play scene by scene. Hopefully it will be magic. They’re doing an incredible job. They will bring the flow, with their energy.

    We hope different audiences from different nights will take away different things, that all encourages reflection, empathy, and cohesion. 

    And how will you be deciding the running order each evening?

    TW: We have a system randomising it but still keeping it in order and one that the team can work with, come and join us for the show to find out more!

    The play is about that pressure to always be seen as happy; is social media going to play a big part in some of the stories?

    HD: This is a good question, come and see the show to find out!

    The play very much talks of the different versions of self we present, consciously or otherwise, depending on situations. Twitter or Facebook aren’t named, but this absolutely can be interpreted as an interpretation of online discourse. A play about 21st century happiness… what would it be without exploring technology?! This isn’t limited to The Internet, though. Social media, to some extent, is just a magnifier of what humans have been doing since the dawn of time. Let’s just say the script presents a near-future take on present day problems.

    The play was the winner of Bread and Roses Theatre’s 2019 Playwright Award, what was it that made it stand out?

    NC: As far as we know, we’ve never seen a script where scenes are written in a way like this one, where we can run the scenes in a different order and it presents a different, but equally brilliant experience for the audiences. We thought this was incredibly clever and fun, hence it stood out to us.

    Also the play was so different to the other winning plays and those from the previous playwriting awards.

    Do you feel the play answers any questions about our search for continuous happiness, or is it a case of holding the mirror up to our lives and making us think deeper about it?

    HD: The play definitely doesn’t offer solutions. It’s a piece full of characters who are simultaneously likeable and unlikeable; victims and complicit, a range of ages and backgrounds, from different walks of life. As ever with theatre, it is the grey stuff that powers the action- the messiness of being alive, relating to others, and coming to terms with your place in the world.

    And what is it that makes you happy?

    NC: For me, it’s the ability to find positives in most of the things we do that makes me happy. For example even if something (work or life) isn’t going so well, I remind myself what I’ve learnt from it. Of course – good theatre and making good theatre is definitely one.

    HD: It’s a cliche, but the pandemic has changed everything- In the last year I became a parent for the first time, then my own dad died. I wouldn’t say these events have changed my perspective on things… more that every day I’m a bit sadder and a bit happier than I was 12 months ago. Seeing my play on, after a two-and-a-half year wait, is definitely powering me through grey days!

    Thanks to Hugh, Tom and Natalie for their time to chat with us.

    Who Are You and What You Do plays at the Bread and Roses Theatre from 22 March to 2 April. Further information and bookings via the below link. More

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    Interview: Tackling Social Anxieties with Game Theatre

    Cherwell Theatre Company guide us through Sam & Zoe Vs Evermore

    When Cherwell Theatre Company got in touch about their latest show, Sam & Zoe Vs Evermore, it piqued our interest for a couple of reasons. Firstly, for what looked a rather interesting style of theatre, and secondly, as it appeared to be targeted at an age group that’s all too often overlooked in theatre.

    We had planned to sit down with them this week to chat about the show, but unfortunately they couldn’t quite fit the time in. However, they were good enough to provide their own little interview, where they tell us everything we could possibly hope to know.

    Tell us a bit about Cherwell Theatre Company

    Tristan Jackson-Pate (Writer/Director): I’ve been lucky to be Artistic Director for Cherwell Theatre Company (or CTC as we’re usually known) since 2015, but we were established back in 2004 as a creative home for young people in North Oxfordshire. Essentially, we create a safe environment where young people can be themselves, make new friends and make theatre in collaboration with professional artists. Over the years we’ve made shows in a range of quirky site-specific venues from a decommissioned nuclear bunker to a castle: we even have plans to create a show in an open air swimming pool in 2022! Our patron is Sir Trevor Nunn, one of the many professionals who support us in the belief that CTC creates access for all, regardless of background.

    And for this production you’ve partnered with Butterfingers?

    Tristan Jackson-Pate: Yes, we’ve initiated a new game theatre collective, Butterfingers, with my co-writers and actors Jess Lloyd-Jones and Krage Brown.

    Krage Brown (Actor/Writer): Having worked together previously and getting along so well the three of us really wanted to work on something new and fun together and thus Butterfingers was born! Sam & Zoe is the first show we’ve co-written and one we’re all incredibly proud of.

    Jess Lloyd-Jones (Actor/Writer): We came up with the name Butterfingers because we wanted our theatre to represent the idea that life can be beautifully messy and no one is perfect.

    Photo credit @ Rosy Addison
    Your show Sam & Zoe Vs Evermore opens in Cheltenham on 17 March, and tours through to 30 April. What’s it all about?

    Jess Lloyd-Jones: In our play Sam is depressed. His partner Zoe can’t reach him, so in a last-ditch attempt to ‘save’ him, she designs a game for them to play with the help of a willing audience.

    Krage Brown: The show is sort of like a theatrical game of ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ and incorporates interactive storytelling, physical theatre battles and puppetry.

    So what sparked the idea for Sam & Zoe?

    Tristan Jackson-Pate: The show was inspired by some of the young men we work with in CTC’s youth theatre, who are passionate about DnD but experience social anxiety. They have helped to develop the idea, through an Arts Council funded research and development process, which took place in March 2020, just before the lockdown commenced. Over a couple of weeks, we brought together young people from CTC and students at Banbury College with Pegasus Theatre, a professional creative team and a representative from CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably). They joined up with an award-winning game theatre dramaturg, who developed approaches to give our audiences agency with us, allowing them to influence the outcome of the story. 

    Krage Brown: We are avid gamers – video and physical – so getting the opportunity to develop a story set partly within a fantasy world is something we were very keen to dive into! Mixing the two worlds of theatre and gaming just sounded like it’d be fun for anyone and everyone!

    Jess Lloyd-Jones: Whenever I play fantasy games I always notice how the character I have created becomes really confident. During our R&D it was so wonderfully interesting seeing the young people become these proud and unapologetic characters also. I think sometimes it can be very challenging – especially as a young person – to always be open, and creating these characters can sometimes really encourage them to talk more openly. I think that concept really drove the further development of the show.

    What is game theatre?

    Krage Brown: Pretty much what you’d expect: merging physical or mental games within a stage show. A win-win combination!

    Jess Lloyd-Jones: I’d say it’s about agency and participation: that point when the audience stops being a viewer and becomes a player. The audience can decide whether to become a Mage, Rogue or Barbarian and during the show will play interactive games alongside Sam & Zoe.

    Tristan Jackson-Pate: Some of these are twists on well known ‘playground games’ like Grandmother’s footsteps, while others require the casting of spells, or solving Tolkein-esque riddles!

    Tell us about the characters, Sam & Zoe.

    Krage Brown: Sam is a fun, creative guy. He enjoys writing and drawing comics set within fantasy worlds inhabited by elves and orcs. Lately he’s been really struggling with his mental health and the ability to talk about it with others.

    Jess Lloyd-Jones: I would describe Zoe as a very lively, excitable and (slightly) controlling character, though she means well! The couple have been together for some time and she’s noticed Sam isn’t acting himself anymore and so immediately wants to ‘fix’ the problem by immersing him in the world he originally created. She also feels very comfortable playing an elf in the show. She believes she was one in a past life…

    What kind of an experience can the audience expect to have?

    Tristan Jackson-Pate: We keep the audience very involved throughout, but never in a pressured way – it’s absolutely not about making anyone feel uncomfortable. The audience form a party of DnD adventurers alongside Sam & Zoe, so they might play supporting roles, help create practical effects and make suggestions to influence story outcomes. Our aim is to create a sense of warmth and community as we tell the story together, and Jess and Krage are so charming and hilarious as Sam & Zoe that they always bring everyone along with them!

    Krage: Brown: We’ve partnered with the charity CALM for this production, to promote honest conversations around mental health. Each audience member will get a free comic book programme, which also signposts them to the charity’s mental health support services.

    Who would enjoy this production?

    Tristan Jackson-Pate: Of course, anyone with an interest in DnD, fantasy films and novels, but I’d say more broadly comedy fans, especially those who are looking to see something new and exciting at the theatre.

    Krage Brown: The show is aimed at ages 12+ so it’s pretty inclusive! I’d add that it’s also for anyone looking for a different night out – one that includes both watching some theatre but also joining in and being part of the fun.

    Jess Lloyd-Jones: I think if you love Lord of the Rings and fantasy gaming this is the show for you! I would love to say everyone should come but I’m realising that’s very greedy of me…

    Thanks to Tristan, Krage and Jess for their time to put this together.

    You can find a full list of dates on their website via the below link. More

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    Interview: Is It Love At First Sight For This Charming Play

    Gina Thorley on My Soulmate’s Husband’s Soulmate

    We have to say, sometimes a show name stands out amongst them all. And you have to agree, My Soulmate’s Husband’s Soulmate is one of those times. If nothing else, trying to ensure those apostrophes are in the right place is enough to tax even our wonderful editors. And then trying to work out who it’s referring to is another mind altering affair. Luckily we had the chance to chat with the writer Gina Thorley to guide us through the complexities of it all, and find out whether it’s all love at first sight for the audience?

    You can also enter our competition to win a pair of tickets for the show via our competition here.

    That’s a mouthful of a title, tell us a little about the show?

    It certainly is, but it makes us giggle! My Soulmate’s Husband’s Soulmate (and, breathe!) is a one act play about an alternate world where, about two years before the play is set, soulmates very suddenly became real, and most people could follow a pulling feeling in their chest to find their perfect partner. Our lead characters Adrian and Erin, who haven’t felt this ‘pull’, are blindsighted one day when Erin’s soulmate Johan arrives on their doorstep. The play follows them as they decide what to do next, as well as some funny interludes which give an insight as to how the wider world is reacting to this big societal change. It’s a character led comedy, but with a little flavour of sci-fi or parallel reality – we’ve been compared more than once to Black Mirror which I feel is about right!

    So the show’s about the idea of love at first sight then? Is that something you believe in?

    Oh, definitely not! But yes, the characters experience something a little bit like ‘love at first sight’ when they meet their soulmates in the show. One of the things the story explores is the contrast between that kind of automatic ‘movie’ love, and ‘real’ love, the kind that takes work to keep alight.

    It also sounds like it could be a plot from a soap opera, that love triangle so to speak? But you’ve approached it with good humour – is comedy your forte then?

    The tensions between our three leads in their love triangle do have a soapy-vibe at times. The ‘soulmates’ in our story though are biologically fixed, they can’t be avoided or changed, which does mean our heroes kind of have no choice but to suck it up and get used to it, and the jealousy isn’t quite the same as a normal love triangle. Mudlarks Theatre‘s ethos is about approaching relatable, sometimes difficult topics with humour – comedy is definitely our favourite way of making work. Someone described the play as ‘serious philosophy mixed with proper lols’, which sums it up!

    The show is billed as “a road trip to find Adrian’s soulmate”; so are we going on a big journey with the show, is there lots of backgrounds to take us around the world with you?

    A road trip sure is difficult to stage on a budget, but we’ve come up with some inventive ways to show the passage of time and the changing locations. It may even involve a cheeky musical number, but I won’t spoil it for you!

    The show was first performed way back in 2019, has it changed much since then?

    Absolutely – we work in an ensemble directing style, so everyone has the same power to weigh in and suggest changes. The story hasn’t changed, but actors have ad libbed jokes and changed lines that are now in the current version. One actor even learned Norwegian to link further with his Scandinavian character, so that’s been woven in too. I also cut down the bad language from the first version to the current version after some stern words from my mother…it’s still pretty blue but I appeased her a little!

    Is this going to be a perfect date night play, or should young lovers avoid in just in case, you know, they spot their soulmate somewhere else in the audience?

    It’s a risk! Our first full performance of the show coincided with Valentine’s Day 2020 so we have a history of being a date night show. I think it works both ways – it’s kind of a testament to how romantic relationships can be imperfect but still wonderful, which is nice for the coupled up among us…but on the flip side any singletons witnessing the drama in the story might be thankful that they are!

    And do you think anyone has found their soulmate in your audience yet? Maybe you’ll get a wedding invite in the post soon?

    Not that we’ve heard, but that would be amazing! Four of our cast members are getting married in the next year though, so there’s definitely enough smoochy love to go around.

    My Soulmate’s Husband’s Soulmate plays at The Old Red Lion Theatre 20 and 21 March. Further information and bookings via the below link. More

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    Feature: The Women’s Prize for Playwriting

    The beginning of something very powerful, promising true advocacy for women in theatre.

    The Women’s Prize for Playwriting was founded in 2019 by Ellie Keel in partnership with Paines Plough. Three years and a pandemic later, on 10 March 2022 it held its second awards ceremony, hosted by The London Library. To start the evening, Keel recounted how the global disruption has affected their work and how frightening it had been to consider having to close down the awards altogether. She remarked on how, standing in that room with so many people, it was humbling to be present, especially as at one point it was very uncertain whether anything like this would ever happen again. 

    The intention behind the prize is to provide better visibility for female (and female identifying) writers within the theatre industry, and to allow more unique narratives to be heard – which, of course, is an admirable cause to champion. 

    In the speeches leading up to the announcement of the winner, we got to hear from many speakers including Amy Trigg, the joint winner in 2020 with her play Reasons You Should(n’t) Love Me. It was inspiring to hear how much support Trigg has received since winning, and this is possibly one of the most important aspects of the award: the continued support system. Many theatre companies fail to deliver upon their promise of backing post-award, so it’s reassuring to discover that Keel and Paines Plough are committed to fulfilling upon this.

    There were also rousing speeches from Keel and Chair of the Judges Mel Kenyon, with both individuals championing the worth of women and celebrating the sacred and constant alliance they have with each other. Though incredibly bolstering to hear, it should be noted that this isn’t the entire picture. Women can be just as oppressive and cruel to other women as men, using their influence to gatekeep opportunities, and with the theatre industry being no exception to this dynamic. Although it is important to promote a sense of unity between women, it is equally important not to build an overly romantic depiction of it. Ultimately, sharing the authentic ebbs and flows of womanhood promotes a safe and honest environment, encouraging writers (who usually do not feel welcomed or comfortable in spaces such as these) to take that intimidating first step and submit their script.

    Each of the finalists selected had arresting and intriguing stories to tell and could have easily won. However, unlike last year there could only be one award recipient and the selected 2021 winner was Consumed by Karis Kelly. Kelly will receive £12,000 in respect of an exclusive option for Ellie Keel Productions and Paines Plough to co-produce her play.

    Though still in its early years, The Women’s Prize for Playwriting shows great promise of being a true advocate for all women writers. And any cause willing to challenge the status quo, making theatre richer and more diverse, is definitely one to congratulate.

    You can find out more about the award and the team by visiting:

    The full list of the 2021 finalists were:

    Mountain Warfare by Abi ZakarianBirdie by Alison CarrA Bouffon Play About Hong Kong by Isabella LeungFuries by Isley LynnConsumed by Karis Kellyupright enuf by lydia luke4 Decades by Paula B StanicHow I Learned to Swim by Somebody Jones More

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    Competition: Win Tickets for My Soulmate’s Husband’s Soulmate

    The Old Red Lion Theatre, 20 & 21 March

    Southampton-based new writing theatre company Mudlarks Theatre are touring their production My Soulmate’s Husband’s Soulmate to London, Tetbury and Bristol, having already played in Bath recently. And the lovely company are giving you the chance to win a pair of tickets for either of its London dates next week.

    What’s it all about?

    [embedded content]

    One day the world wakes up just knowing that soulmates exist. Not only that, but the lucky ones also know exactly where to find theirs.

    Erin and Adrian are happily married when Johan arrives on their doorstep. He is Erin’s soulmate. Neither Adrian or Erin know quite what to do with him.

    The three depart on a road trip to find Adrian’s soulmate – the trouble is: he’s not quite sure where to start.

    An upbeat but bittersweet black comedy about fate, romance and the ways we’re taught to think about love.

    How do I enter the competition?

    There are four ways to enter, and the great news is you can enter via all four if you want. All you need to do is follow the below instructions. For entires via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, don’t forget to tag someone in who would make an ideal soulmate (they don’t have to be your perfect soulmate, just someone nice).

    Email us at with “My perfect soulmate is” in the subject lineShare our Facebook post which you can find on our page here and comment below the original post “My perfect soulmate is” and tag a friend.Quote tweet this Twitter post with the phrase “My perfect soulmate is” and tag a friend.Like this Instagram post and comment “My perfect soulmate is” and tag a friend.

    Where is the show playing, and how can I buy tickets?

    20 & 21 March: The Old Red Lion Theatre Book here. Tickets are just £13 (£11.50 concessions).1 April: Tetbury Goods Shed. Tickets are just £10 from here. 12 & 13 April: Bristol’s Alma Tavern and Theatre. Tickets are just £11 from here.

    Terms & Conditions

    The prize is for two tickets to a performance of My Soulmate’s Husband’s Soulmate on either 20 or 21 March 2022. No alternative dates or cash alternative is available.

    Competition closes at 12am (noon) on Thursday 17 March 2022. Winner will be selected at random from all eligible entries, and will be notified by 5pm on the same day. As the show is next weekend, the winner has one day to accept the prize, provide contact details and confirm which date (Sunday or Monday) they wish to attend, otherwise a new winner will be chosen at random.  All additional expenses are the responsibility of the prize winner. Editor’s decision is final. More

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    Interview: Raising his Voice on Stage

    Akshay Gulati talks about the upcoming tour of The Rise and Fall of Little Voice

    Akshay Gulati may be a fairly new name to many, but you are bound to know his mum, Shobna Gulati, who has been in everything from Coronation Street to Dinnerladies and Doctor Who! Akshay is determined to make us aware of his own career, and his next role as Billy in The Rise and Fall of Little Voice is a big step in achieving that. However, he can’t quite escape his mum yet, as she will be playing Mari in the same play. We thought we’d have a chat with Akshay, and yes, we had to ask about Doctor Who, because some of us are a little fanatical about it!

    Hi Akshay, it’s probably best to get this out of the way from the start; how cool is it having a mum who has been in Doctor Who? Surely the street cred from that alone is all you need?

    Don’t hate me, but I’ve never really been into Dr Who. Ma is always working on exciting projects, and Dr Who is just one in a long list of fantastic credits.

    [Interview paused while we decide if we want to go on after that bombshell]

    So more seriously, what’s it like working with your mum in the play?

    It’s lovely. Ma has always brought me to rehearsal rooms and on set from a very young age, and we’ve always had a close relationship, so working together in this context is easy.

    You starred in a previous adaption of Little Voice at Bolton Octagon; did you play Billy there as well, and did that help with getting the role in this touring production?

    I did indeed play Billy in the 2019 Bolton Octagon production of Little Voice. I try to approach every meeting or audition with the mindset that I’m the best person for the job and it just so happened with this one that I’d also recently performed the play so was pretty qualified (I think) to play the part.

    Is The Rise and Fall of Little Voice a play you were very aware of prior to the Bolton production; have you seen any other staged versions? 

    I’ve been studying acting for a long time so was definitely aware of the play – you can’t do GCSE drama without coming across Jim Cartwright plays. I also saw a brilliant production of Little Voice at the Bolton Octagon in 2012

    Most people will know Ewan McGregor best as Billy, the role he played in the film. How daunting is it to play a part that has such a name attached to it? And have you watched the film to see how McGregor plays it?

    No, I don’t find it daunting at all. Ewan McGregor is a fantastic actor but I feel he and I operate in different lanes at the moment. I’ve never seen the film and wouldn’t want to until after the run is over, as I wouldn’t want to be influenced in any way by someone else’s interpretation of the role.

    What is it like working with actors – including your own mum – with some big credits to their name? Is it the best way to improve and better learn the ropes?

    Learning from experienced professionals on the job is so much fun and I’ve been lucky enough to have met and worked with many brilliant actors in my career so far.

    The play is now 30 years old; do you think it’s such a classic play that it stands the test of time?

    Jim has created such wonderful human characters that are a joy to play and I feel that certain themes in the play are more relevant now than ever.

    The play tours for nearly four months solid; how daunting is that for a young actor? Is it four months living out of a suitcase?

    I’ve never toured before so can’t really say what it’s going to be like, but I’m more excited than anything; really looking forward to playing some theatres that I’ve always dreamed of playing since I was little.

    And finally, have you had the chance to think beyond July yet, and what you might be doing next?

    When the tour is finished I’d love to travel somewhere and finish writing an album I’ve been working on, but otherwise I haven’t given it much thought. It’s still quite a ways away!

    Thanks to Akshay for taking time to chat with us, although we are still reeling from the Doctor Who confession!

    The Rise and Fall of Little Voice opens in Southampton on 23 March, and then tours nationally until 16 July. Further information, including all tour dates, can be found via the below link. More

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    Interview: Two thousand years in one night at Questors

    Director Richard Gallagher on bringing Loveplay to Questors Theatre

    We’re becoming quite good friends with the team at Questors Theatre now we’ve made their acquaintance. And what a great bunch they are, supporting the local community as well as being a place for students to learn more about theatre. So, we had no hesitation in spending some time chatting to Richard Gallagher, who as well as being a teacher in their academy turns his hand to directing his young charges in their upcoming revival of Moira Buffini‘s Loveplay, first performed in 2001.

    What is it that attracted you to Loveplay?

    Choosing a play for The Questors Student Group (acting students aged 18-30) is always a bit like doing a Rubik’s Cube. My first consideration is ‘Are there enough parts?’ The second ‘Are those parts all good enough to give everybody a fair crack of the whip?’ Plays with large casts are getting fewer and fewer so we frequently – not always – look for multiple-role plays that can be flexible. Loveplay is such a one. Then there are thoughts about artistic merit and ‘bums on seats’: happily, this play suits that as well. Frequently, we have to keep going back to square one, but Buffini’s play attracted me because of the superb writing, the humour, the observation and it has some really excellent parts for our cast to attack.

    The play spans 2,000 years and ten separate moments in that time; how difficult is it to direct a play like this, when your actors are asked to perform such varying roles?

    Our cast have worked extremely hard on varying their roles and finding the movement, vocal and personality differences that make them distinct. The two thousand years thing looked daunting at first but I decided to keep it very simple. There is almost no stage furniture and we are performing in traverse (audience both sides of a sort of ‘corridor’). Ant Griffiths (our Associate Director) and I have been working in conjunction with voice and movement tutors and also with The University of West London to find a shape for the production. In the end, each different era provides us with a neat one-act play and brilliantly drawn characters that kind of ‘act themselves’. It’s been a really rewarding rehearsal period and we haven’t found it difficult at all.

    Are there going to be some frantic costume changes going on as you flick from one scene to the next?

    When I cast the piece, I was very aware of costume changes. Although incredibly quick changes are doable where they first seem impossible, fortunately, there is ample room to change for each actor. Our wardrobe department have provided us with an impressive range of costumes and I am delighted with their, always excellent, work.

    And how easy it is to ensure the time frames are made clear to an audience? Are you going to be using any little tricks to tell us when we are?

    As I said, my motto has been ‘keep it simple’. Thames Valley University students are working on animation, which will be projected. I haven’t seen the results of their labours yet, but I’m confident they will give us something really exciting. The other marker for period is, of course, the varying costume styles.

    What is it that binds all these completely different moments together then? 

    Binding together the scenes is a rape that happens in Scene Two. The actor playing the woman who’s been raped plays other characters that keep hearing the sounds of this woman’s distress. ‘Is it a ghost?’ ‘Is it a reincarnation?’ We never know, but references are frequently made to the fact that this plot of land has changed over the years and ‘it might be haunted’. Overall, the ‘bond’ between different scenes is the human condition: that search for a partner and/or physical gratification that is in the DNA of most of us. Buffini is also at times quite scathing about the way men have treated women over the years. I think the women come off best in the piece, but it’s not a heavy-handed feminist message and she does give us same sex coupling and genuine love. The play builds to this and leaves us with an optimistic message.

    The play is performed by The Questors Student Group; can you tell us a little about that?

    This is the 75th year group of the Questors Academy (as we now call it). Group 75 are waiting in the wings and will be performing their productions next year. I believe it was set up all that time ago to give the then members some training and to expand their technique. Later, it became a unique part-time drama course, working in a similar way to most drama schools but giving people the opportunity to work at evenings and weekends and, therefore, hold a job down during the day. It’s very intensive and time-consuming (obviously), but it pretty much covers everything that any drama school course does. The first and second years can both be done together, but should anybody want to do the first year and leave it there, that is perfectly fine and we hope they still go forward with a range of transferable skills that may or may not lead them into theatrical careers.

    You’re acting tutor for Questors Academy, so are the performers people you have been working with for a while?

    I am the second year tutor. In the case of Group 74, I knew them in their first year but, because of COVID, it’s been a three year timeframe, rather than the usual two. I get to know them all when they’re in the first year but don’t start teaching them till the autumn/winter term, where we do short excerpts from a range of plays, punctuated by workshops. The winter/spring term is taken up with rehearsals for a studio play and then we have a short break before going into our summer production in the Judi Dench Playhouse.

    Are there any performers we should be looking out for as future stars of the stage? Of course, we’d perfectly understand if you didn’t want to single out any one in particular, so maybe, any past students we may have seen?

    One can never predict how students’ careers might unfold. We are not looking to necessarily push people into the profession: some ex-students are quite happy joining The Questors acting company and, of course, some want to go to a full-time drama school; others have, in the past, fallen into TV work, fringe theatre, film etc. I was very proud to see one of my past students in The Mousetrap a year or two ago and do sometimes see people on TV. Other students go into different jobs in theatre or screen such as one great friend of mine who has found her talent for direction and is currently working in the West End as an assistant director for Disney.

    Finally, why should we come and see Loveplay? What is it about the show and the venue that we should all be excited about?

    Loveplay is a beautifully written piece of drama that I found instantly engaging. As rehearsals have progressed, we’ve found more and more in it. It can be enjoyed on a superficial level, sure, but it can also give you something to think about. It’s funny, touching, accurate and unusual. I think it’s going to be a really enjoyable evening for our audiences.

    Thanks to Richard for taking time out from his teaching and directing to chat to us.

    Loveplay is on at Questors Theatre 25 March to 2 April. Further information and bookings via the below: More

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    Interview: Exploring far flung lands with Lulu Raczka

    Writer Lulu Raczka on reworking of the classic Gulliver’s Travels for a new younger audience

    The Unicorn Theatre is inviting us on an epic, exciting adventure for ages 7+ this Easter, in the somewhat surreal world of Gulliver’s Travels. This production is a radical reimagining of Jonathan Swift’s 1726 satirical novel. Just like in the original we get to look at our world from new perspectives, but now we have a whole host of new and interesting ways to do so. Everything Theatre asked writer Lulu Raczka tell us a bit more about what to expect.

    So Lulu, in this production Lemuel Gulliver is recast from an 18th-century, average man, who encounters strange lands and peculiar people after being shipwrecked, to a 21st-century girl who desperately wants to escape her home life. They seem radically different. How can such an old novel give insight into our modern world?

    Jonathan Swift wrote a book in which a man travels through multiple societies that are very different from his, and from which he is very different. Some value intellect above all, some strength: in some Gulliver is giant and powerful, in some tiny and insignificant. All of these different societies make us reflect on our own – what do we value, and what should we value? And what’s our place within the world? Are we powerful? And if we are, what do we do with that power? Though the specifics are different, the fundamental questions Swift asks are as important in the 21st Century as they were in the 18th. In terms of making Gulliver a teenage girl, we thought that as anyone can ask these big questions, and everyone should, why not make our Gulliver more reflect the young people we were making the show for?

    Are you still planning to take your audience to new and extraordinary places, like in the book, seeing the world differently?

    We have been very ambitious, and tried to put most of the book on stage! So through the unbelievable talent of the cast and design team, we’ll see Gulliver be giant amongst the Lilliputians, be tiny in Brobdingnag, chat to the mathematicians and scientists in Laputa, and be the only human amongst the Houyhnhnms, the sentient horses. Hopefully after this, the audience will see the world a little differently!

    You have a great team of creatives on board and I’m particularly excited to experience the sound design by the amazing Ringham brothers. How has it been working with such diverse talents? Have you found new possibilities have emerged from these interesting collaborations?

    The show would never have been possible without such close collaboration with the design team, most of whom have been on board since the first morning of the first workshop. Though it’s always true that collaboration is necessary to create great theatre, usually the script is written first, with the design teams hired later; and sometimes the writer doesn’t interact with the design team at all. This couldn’t happen here. Jaz and I needed to know what was actually possible, so before a word was written we were planning with Rosie, Jess, Ben, Max and Jack, and now continue that with Owen, Josh and Jack. This is such a great way to work – and I hope I’ll be able to do it more in the future!

    The show was delayed for ages by the pandemic, so it must feel great to be finally getting it on stage. Has it changed much since it was originally devised? Has anything unexpected emerged from the pause?

    It hasn’t changed that much really, except for one scene. There’s a section in the book in which Gulliver interacts with famous people from the past, and so in our show, our Gulliver talks to Winston Churchill. The scene was always condemning him, but the conversations that have occurred in the last few years about racism, and how we discuss it, made us rethink how we went about condemning him. It’s not a massive change, but a very important one.

    We’re promised laughter, playfulness and invention, all of which are great reasons to see the show, but apart from being a fun entertainment for the Easter hols, is this a production that challenges young audiences to think about particular themes?

    I think underneath all the silliness there’s some pretty big themes. The book asks big questions about how we relate to the world around us, and about the kind of world we want to live in, and I hope our show has brought these thoughts alive. In our show we’ve added a framing device of Gulliver entering the world of the book to escape a difficult situation at home, so we’re also asking questions about the function of storytelling, and the place of imagination.

    What do you hope that the audience members will take away from their experience?

    I hope they think about all the big ideas, but I also hope they have fun on the bus home wondering what they’d do if they were really, really tiny.

    Thanks so much to Lulu for taking time to chat with us. We’ll be reviewing the play soon, so watch this space to find out more about it!

    Gulliver’s Travels is a Unicorn Production, and is playing now until Saturday 16 April. Tickets start from £8 for under 18s, and £14 for adults. Further information and booking via the below link. More